“No one outside of yourself and a few law enforcement people I’m working with, knows I’m not convinced of Todd’s guilt. I’d just as soon keep it that way for a while. I don’t want you kids out there asking questions and stirring things up. The last thing I need is another murder.” Jennie swallowed back the rising concern that she or Ryan had already asked too many questions.
Book: Over The Edge
by Patrica Rushford, Bethany House Publishers, 1997
Genre: Mystery
Target Audience: Girls 14-18
Subjects: Crime, loss of loved one, dating relationships
Summary: Ryan won’t even give her the time of day! Then after virtually ignoring her, he has the guts to turn around and ask to borrow her car! Jennie isn’t entirely convinced that Ryan’s friend is as innocent as Ryan claims. The police seem to think he killed his girlfriend and Jennie doesn’t have any evidence to suggest otherwise. But unless she proves something one way or the other, her relationship with Ryan is going suffer greatly. The trouble is that if the killer is not Ryan’s friend, that means he could kill again if someone were to get in his way.
Notes: Trusting the people you care about seems to be the big theme in this story. Jennie gets mad and refuses to trust Ryan even when he does everything he can to prove that things aren’t the way they seem. And Ryan gets mad when he isn’t entirely convinced that Jennie is entirely convinced of his friend’s innocence. Then there’s the whole murder question – can you trust someone who says they didn’t kill someone when the evidence seems to suggest otherwise.
This is the 9th book in the Jenny McGrady series, sort of a Christian version of Nancy Drew books. Jennie is a teenager who gets involved in every crime she finds out about, often putting herself at risk in the process.
Recommendation Scale: 1/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
Ephesians 4:2 - Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
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