“This is kapu place!” the trembly voice interrupted. “Leave before you bring on the revenge of the night walkers.” The last two words seemed to vibrate in the darkness before fading away like a dying echo.
Book: Night Of The Vanishing Lights
by Lee Roddy, Focus On The Family Publishing, 1994
Genre: Adventure
Target Audience: Boys 11-15
Subjects: Bullying, Love for others (including those difficult to love), Friendship, Obedience
Summary: Disaster is coming! Literally! Daniel “Diz for Disaster” Davis is coming for a visit. And right in the middle of what could be a dangerous mystery too! As far as Josh and Tank are concerned, things couldn’t possibly be any worse. And they’re suspicions are proven true. From the moment Diz gets off the place troubles start. When he makes trouble with a bully and determines to right the wrong things go from bad to really bad. When he disobeys and disrespects a cultural rule, things go from really bad to downright disastrous and soon their very lives are in danger – just as Josh and Tank predicted.
Notes: This is the 10th book in the Ladd Family Adventure series. In this book Josh and his friends have to learn a valuable lesson about judging others. Diz may be clumsy and unable to follow social clues and hints, but his heart is right. Throughout the story, he is determined to do what he can for others and at the end, even risks his own life to do so.
Recommendation Scale: 4/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
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