“I think God is the ultimate Safe Place. Even though I don’t feel like He’s so safe right now,” she admitted. “Oh?” “Not really. I feel more like He’s taking away the things that made me feel safe,” Becca answered.
Book: Fast Forward To Normal
by Jane Dogel, Focus On The Family Publishing/Tyndale House Publishers, 2001
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Target Audience: Girls 13-21
Subjects: Love for others, friendships, relationship with family, adoption, foster care, dating relationships, discrimination
Summary: Becca is not happy with the way things are going in her life right now! It’s not that she doesn’t like Alvaro, or think Hannah is a nice person. It’s that she’s tired of people worming their way into her life and taking away her security. It was fine to have Alvaro there for a while, but now that it’s time for adoption, Becca’s parents want to be the one to adopt him. Then there’s Hannah. Shouldn’t she be finding her own friends by now instead of taking away Becca’s? She has so many rules and restrictions that it’s hard for the group to do things and her attitude toward Solona is really tiring. And just when the guy she likes starts to show interest, Hannah’s interference may take away her chances to go to Homecoming with him!
Notes: This book is the second one in the Brio Girls series, a series put out by Focus On The Family about 5 friends as they go through their last two years of highschool. Each book boldly addresses a major question that Christians might ask about faith and following God. These books don’t make light of the struggles or give pat answers. It shows very realistic characters wrestling with God. I highly recommend all of the book in this series! This book is about Becca’s willingness to show the love she has been shown to others. Solona calls her a hypocrite and says she’s willing to be a Christian when it’s comfortable or fun, but not when it costs anything. Becca has to come to the point where she can put her own selfishness aside long enough to listen to what God has to say and allow Him to change her heart.
Recommendation Scale: 5/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
Matthew 5:46 – If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that?
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