“Hush. I told you the story of the Keeper because it is the most powerful story I’ve ever known. Look at where this story has led us.” He moved to the sill and gestured to the city spread before them. “Now we can amend that story and shape the future.”
Book: The Ale Boy’s Feast
by Jeffery Overstreet, Waterbrook Press, 2011
Genre: Fantasy
Target Audience: Boys and Girls 16+
Subject: Faith in God, leadership, truth, love, relationships
Summary: Prince Cal-Raven is missing, deathweed is destroying the land, the people are scattered and homeless, a young woman does not remember who she really is and the Ale Boy, or Rescue as some now call him is likely dead. The land is falling apart and is in desperate need of a strong leader and a strong dose of the truth. Truth has been repressed for many many years and no one left alive knows who or what the Keeper really is. It’s time for a revolution but there does not seem to be any one left who can lead.
Notes: This book was one of the most confusing stories I have ever read. And very depressing. There does not seem to be any kind of ultimate being in the story, certainly not the keeper. People don’t really have a real hope to turn to. Children and children at heart believe in the keeper, but he isn’t all powerful. So at the end of the story, perhaps due to the confusing way of writing it or perhaps the way the story is intended to be, I am left feeling as though the characters still do not have anyone to turn to in life. There is some kind of hope after death, but no hope or help for life. If it was designed to be an allegory, it failed. If it was just a fantasy, it was not based on a Christian worldview. Due to this, I am not recommending it. It implies no hope, no ultimate being we can put our trust in.
Recommendation Scale: 0/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
1 Corinthians 15:16-17 – For if the dead are not raised, then Christ has not been raised either. And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins.
WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group provided this book to me for free in exchange for this honest review as part of their Blogging for Books program.
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