I want to have faith like Abraham that whatever this means to God, that He'll work it out for us in His time. I want to keep listening for God's voice. For now, I guess we keep counting stars.
Book: Starry Night
by Robin Jones Gunn, Focus on the Family Publishing, 1993
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Target Audience: Girls 15-18
Subjects: Friendship, dating relationship, family relationships
Summary: Christy is sick and tired of being a child. All of her friends are going to spend New Year's Eve out on the streets waiting for the parade the next morning. And she can't join them because her parents are too strict. Meanwhile, as she attempts to make plans for the holiday, she and Katie both have to face some choices about the guys in their lives: Todd, Doug, and Rick. Everything comes to a head at once leaving them with a few things that are crystal clear in their minds: friendships are valuable, and when one is waiting on God it's best to wait in faith, trusting His promises to be fulfilled when it's time.
Notes: This book, as many do, takes a look at the philosophy of "I'm old enough to do whatever my friends are doing". Growing up isn't easy and Christy has to learn once again to respect her parents' choices even when she doesn't agree with them. It also looks again at friendship and the value there is in having good friends and waiting on God's timing for anything beyond friendship. Teen girls can relate to Christy and her struggles throughout the series, but also see a character who learns, sometimes the hard way, what the Biblical perspective should be. This is the 4th book in the Christy Miller series. This series has been republished multiple times and is available in multiple forms.
Recommendation Scale: 5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
Hebrews 11:1-2 - Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for.
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