God where are you? What am I doing wrong?
Book: Carpet of Bones
by Lena Wood, Standard Publishing, 2006
Genre: Realistic/Supernatural Fiction
Target Audience: Boys 14-18
Subject: Faith in God, spiritual warfare, the Word of God, missions
Summary: The Magdeline 5, Elijah's clan are reunited. The Stallards have made it possible to visit Japan for a missions training conference. The sword has not yet been found, although they are sure it will be. Mei is ready to participate in baptism as a way to declare her faith. There is so much to take in, but tragedy strikes causing doubts to flood Elijah's mind. Does he really have what it takes to stand strong against the evil one? How can he know for sure what God wants of him?
Notes: As deep as ever, Lena Wood greatly challenges status quo in this book. It paints missions work in an entirely different light than nearly anything I've read before. It focuses alot of spiritual warfare, how the enemy is out there waiting to distract us or take us down. God's silence for a time is even another reminder to keep the faith and stand strong.
Recommendation Scale: 5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
Hebrews 11:1 - Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
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