Looking for books about the World Wars? This author has a number of books to offer you!
#1 - A Way Through the Sea (The Young Underground #1) (Book 1)
Genre: Historical Fiction
Target Audience: Boys and Girls 11-16
Subject: Faith - salvation, prayer, trust in the midst of danger, standing up for what you believe in
Summary: Yeah there are Germans everywhere, prowling the streets of Denmark. Yeah you're supposed to follow stricter rules like lights out or reporting suspicious activities, but for Peter, his sister Elise and his Jewish friend Henrick, life is just life. They're kids. They bike around town, help out on his uncle's boat, raise and train carrier pigeons, go to school, try to get home in time for dinner - just normal kid stuff. There's a shadow overhanging them, especially seen on the faces of their parents though. And that shadow is about to come in closer. Hitler demands the round up of the Jews in Denmark, and there's very little time to smuggle their friends away to safety. Everyone rises to the occasion and does their part - even Peter and Elise - all the while aware that they are risking, possibly, their very lives.
Notes: This book deals specifically with the roundup of Jews in Denmark in 1943 and includes a note in the back about the history behind the fictional story. The Gospel message isn't prevalent all through the book, it carefully weaves it's way in through a conversation Peter has with his uncle, that he dwells on for a time afterward. This book is just the first in a series though, there's more for Peter to learn about his Savior. It is the first in the Young Underground series.
Recommendation Scale: 3.7
Reviewer: J:-)mi
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