“Joey Klingerman’s coming
again? Why are you sorry?”
‘Cause I have a slight problem
with him, that’s all,” she said weakly.
“A problem?” Chad asked.
“Joey bugs her to death!” Morgan
put in her two cents’ worth.
Book: Skye's Final Test (Keystone Stables, No. 6) by Marsha Hubler, Zonderkidz, 2005
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Target Audience: Girls 14-19
Subject: Adoption, Foster Case, Special Needs, Showing love to others
Summary: As far as Skye is concerned, the summer is ruined from pretty much the beginning. The class they’re doing for special needs kids for the second summer in a row includes a boy with Downs Syndrome who will not leave Skye alone. He’s proclaimed her his girlfriend and loudly announces his love for her to anyone who will listen. He causes Skye no end of embarrassment in front of her friends and interrupts her at just the perfect wrong times – even in front of the popular kids from school! If that’s not bad enough, Skye is the one assigned to work with him every day! This is going to be one miserable summer if something doesn’t change!
Notes: In this story, Skye is the once again turning around and serving someone else. She’s a Christian and no longer the troubled orphan who came to the Chambers foster program. This time it’s not another tenable girl, but a young boy that Skye is trying to reach out to, one that she can’t stand. Mom C. encourages Skye to show God’s love to him, Morgan and Mom C. encourage her to turn to God for strength. Instead, Skye keeps trying to do things her way – and fails – over and over – until she starts letting God change her heart.
One thing to note is that at this point the series is not showing the character growing. They hint at events that happened that don’t fit the timeline within the rest of the series and there is no mention of any of the others who have been with the Chambers. It makes it so each book is complete in itself, but doesn’t fit together as a series as well. However, the spiritual issues are very much covered in this book as with the others in the series. This is the sixth book in the Keystone Stables series. Also note that this the first six books in this series were republished under new titles - the series name stayed the same but the individual books were retitled.
Spiritual Content Recommendation Scale: 5/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
Target Audience: Girls 14-19
Subject: Adoption, Foster Case, Special Needs, Showing love to others
Summary: As far as Skye is concerned, the summer is ruined from pretty much the beginning. The class they’re doing for special needs kids for the second summer in a row includes a boy with Downs Syndrome who will not leave Skye alone. He’s proclaimed her his girlfriend and loudly announces his love for her to anyone who will listen. He causes Skye no end of embarrassment in front of her friends and interrupts her at just the perfect wrong times – even in front of the popular kids from school! If that’s not bad enough, Skye is the one assigned to work with him every day! This is going to be one miserable summer if something doesn’t change!
Notes: In this story, Skye is the once again turning around and serving someone else. She’s a Christian and no longer the troubled orphan who came to the Chambers foster program. This time it’s not another tenable girl, but a young boy that Skye is trying to reach out to, one that she can’t stand. Mom C. encourages Skye to show God’s love to him, Morgan and Mom C. encourage her to turn to God for strength. Instead, Skye keeps trying to do things her way – and fails – over and over – until she starts letting God change her heart.
One thing to note is that at this point the series is not showing the character growing. They hint at events that happened that don’t fit the timeline within the rest of the series and there is no mention of any of the others who have been with the Chambers. It makes it so each book is complete in itself, but doesn’t fit together as a series as well. However, the spiritual issues are very much covered in this book as with the others in the series. This is the sixth book in the Keystone Stables series. Also note that this the first six books in this series were republished under new titles - the series name stayed the same but the individual books were retitled.
Spiritual Content Recommendation Scale: 5/5

1 Peter 1:22 – Now
that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere
love for your brothers, love
one another deeply, from the heart.