The Conqueror
“What are you talking about, soldier?” Aratus hissed. “You said nothing on this wide earth could ever deter you from your mission!”
Rex paused, gathering his resolve. He wrenched his arm from his commanding officer’s grip. The woman’s crisis had touched something primal within the soul of every man.
I am one of the most proficient warriors in this empire! I can stop this travesty if I wish. And right here… right now… for this woman… I wish.
At last he looked straight at Aratus. “I just found the one thing that can,” he declared.
Book: The Conqueror, Constantine’s Empire #1, by Bryan Litfin, Revell Publishers, 2020
Genre: Historical Fiction
Target Audience: Upper Teens and Adults
Subjects: Rule of Constantine, Persecution, Commitment
Summary: He’s a fighting machine, one of the most well-trained warriors in the world. She’s a rich, spoiled daughter of a politician… and a stubborn, headstrong Christian. Amidst the struggles for power between Constantine and Maxentius to see who will rule the entire Roman Empire, Rex and Flavia’s cross. He’s on a mission for Constantine, she’s the victim of her father’s competition under Maxentius. Only Rex can save her, but he can only do so by questioning all he has ever believed!
Notes: This is the first in the Constantine’s Empire series, by historian and a former professor of theology. He pays great attention to the details of the time period and historical figures. The story of a speculator who believes himself to be unstoppable, undefeatable and a young Christian woman who has always assumed her father is powerful enough to protect her from her own rebellion intermingles with the historical events of Constantine and Maxentius’ reigns. This book is quite different from Bryan Litfin’s earlier series, but equally detailed. It is rather violent at certain points – again, very realistic. The strongest spiritual theme would be Rex’s interaction with the Gospel message. Rex is looking for a god that is powerful – a god who will help him win battles against his enemies. Flavia attempts to explain how Jesus is the only true God and the One who was strong enough to conquer death. But Rex objects to a god that tells him to love instead of fight. Flavia has to wrestle with how to view the death of enemies as well.
Spiritual Content Recommendation Scale: 4/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
John 16:33 – "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
A Viscount's Proposal
“Never,” she whispered to herself. Never would she marry someone who barely even spoke to his wife and treated her like an acquaintance, the way he treated Mother. Never would Leorah enter into a cold, passionless marriage – a fate much worse than losing her reputation.
Genre: Mystery, Romance
Target Audience: Girls 16+
Subjects: Marriage, Love, Judging, Crime
Summary: “His brows are very piratelike.” “The way they point straight up in the middle. I imagine the viscount with an enormous hat, a giant feather curled over the crown, and a cutlass in his teeth.” And therein lies Leorah’s picture of Lord Edward Withinghall – a fierce pirate who just so happens to have a title and wealth. But title and wealth are not enough to attract this feisty young man. She dreams of romance, of true love. An accident on her horse that leads to her being in the wrong place at the wrong time appears to be removing her choice though. She was caught in Lord Withinghall’s carriage, having spent the night there, unsupervised. That is more than enough for society to condemn. And the only way to redeem her reputation in society’s eyes is to marry the viscount. Being a gentleman, he reluctantly makes the offer to the girl he views as a wild hoyden, but Leorah is holding out for her dream. When Edward and Leorah are forced to get to know one another however, they each begin to realize that maybe their judgments of one another weren’t entirely accurate. Of course, none of that will matter if the one who caused the carriage accident has his way – Edward will soon be dead.
Notes: The Viscount’s Proposal is the second in The Regency Spies of London series. The series tells of independent, bold young women daring to do things society deems unfit for a woman and in the process assist in solving a mystery. The character who was such an encouragement and inspiration to the main character in the first book is the one driving the plot in book two. This book tells of two people making judgments on one another and dismissing one another . Leorah doesn’t like Edward, believing him to be rude and uptight. Edward doesn’t like Leorah, believing her to be reckless – to the point of danger – and irresponsible. It is a story of how truly getting to know someone can prove your initial judgments wrong. It is also the story of two young people seeking to overcome the hurt caused by their fathers. Leorah is looking for someone to truly care about her since her father has never shown caring or compassion for her. Edward is seeking someone to be above reproach in the eyes of society since his father greatly disgraced his family through seeking a mistress and engaging in a duel.
Spiritual Recommendation Scale: 3.5/5
Entertainment Scale: 4/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
1 Peter 2:12 – Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.
Thank you to the author for providing me with a free review copy in exchange for my honest opinion.
Thank you to the author for providing me with a free review copy in exchange for my honest opinion.
King's Blood
Arman’s ways are beyond understanding.
Zeroah’s favorite verse came softly.
Wilek could not recall the reference, but he pondered the words for a very long
time. In the end the words did placate him some. He could not wallow in despair
over the lost ships nor could he rail in anger. His father was bedridden aboard
the Kaoday. Janek was dead. And Wilek would meet with the Wisean Council in a
few hours to combat a potential mutiny. He must remain strong. What was left of
the fleet looked to him. He must lead well, with confidence and strength. He
would have to tell Miss Amala and Zeroah. Worse, he would have to tell Treven.
Book: King’s
Blood by Jill Williamson, Bethany House Publishers, 2017
Genre: Fantasy
Target Audience:
Audience: Boys and Girls 16+
Truth, Judgment, Love, Loss
Summary: With
their homes completely destroyed in the woes, all the survivors of the five
realms sail the seas in desperate hopes of finding a new land, one big enough
to hold all of them. As the expedition continues, the evil that managed to make
it’s way onto the ships with them continues fighting for control. Things
disappear. Entire ships disappear. People disappear. Murderers appear. Yet, all
is not lost as Wilek studies more and more of the ancient texts translated by
Treven and gains a deeper understanding of Arman and His ways. And Arman is
blessing them with a new gift of mind-speaking. But just as things start to
look up, the enemy strikes again, and this tragedy will take even more to
recover from than the last.
King’s Blood is actually three books combined into one volume. The three were
originally released as separate e-books. Now Kingdom at Sea, Maelstrom, and
Voices of blood make up the second book in the Kinsman Chronicles series.
This series would be classified as a mixture of fantasy and
apocalyptic. The characters are facing the end of their world. There are
strange beings and creatures that have supernatural abilities. It’s not really
fantasy animals as much as it is two supernatural powers – one good and one
evil. And these supernatural powers grant power to humans. The evil power
indwells like a demon possession. The good increases an ability beyond what is
The storyline is about the slow unveiling of a one true god
who created their land and now brings judgment on it for turning its back on
its Creator. It works out the story through two princes trying to survive their
father’s impulsive decisions to elevate one son above another at any given time
and worse still his willingness to offer as a sacrifice to the gods anyone he
is currently displeased with – including a prince.
In this book the spiritual focus is much stronger. The
characters know who the one true God is and have determined to follow Him. His
words are what guide them. And when they receive the mind-speaking ability it
is as a direct gift from Him.
Now, for the SPOILER ALERT: At the end of this book, the
main character, the one driving the story all the way through the first two
huge books is killed. So if you don’t like reading tragic endings, avoid this
book. Or just stop reading at page 563 before all sorts of tragedy occurs.
Content Recommendation Scale: 3/5
Romans 2:5 – But
because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up
wrath against yourself for the day of God’s wrath, when His righteous judgment will be
Thank you to the publishers for providing me with a free review
copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
Beyond Corista
“You’ll know what to say.”
Oriannon nodded slowly, trying her best to understand. Tell
them they’re being invaded by someone I’ve never heard about, she though, and
the news comes from a man who was dead and now isn’t. I can’t do this.
Book: Beyond Corista by Robert Elmer,
Zondervan Publishers, 2009
Genre: Science Fiction/Allegory
Target Audience: Boys and
Girls 13+
Subjects: Faith, Truth,
Salvation, Jesus’ death and resurrection. Missions, Persecution

Notes: Beyond Corista is the third in the
Shadowside Trilogy. The series is an allegorical tale of Jesus ministry on
earth, death and resurrection and some of the events of Acts – the persecution
of Christians and the spread of the Gospel. The story is set in a
science-fiction world with spaceships traveling to various planets and
scientific development being a main focus of the world.
In Beyond Corista, Oriannon has to
learn how to rely on Jesmet and her friends rather than herself. She is forced
into situations where she has no choice but to trust and follow. It seems to be
representing the apostles attempts to spread the Gospel throughout the world in
Acts. There is usually one person who accepts the truth, while most respond to
it with violence. The series doesn’t quite seem to finish. It seems to leave it
unsettled. It doesn’t wrap up details nice and neatly. However, the book of
Acts doesn’t either! It just ends with the idea that the good news needs to
continue to be told.
Spiritual Content Recommendation Scale: 5/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
Acts 1:8 – But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes
on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea
and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
The Owling
Posted by
12:56 PM
“Remember what they did to your scribe friend? So play
dumb. Find out what she says, go to your banquets and your media things for
now, but don’t let on that you know anything. You’ll be our insider. But
whatever you do, don’t you dare tell her what we just saw. And once you find
out more,” Brinnin added, “then we can uh… then we can, you know…”
Her voice trailed off, but Oriannon nodded. At least it was
a start. One way or another they would find out the truth, and then they would
help the Owlings.
They had to.
Book: The Owling by Robert Elmer, Zondervan
Publishers, 2008
Genre: Science Fiction/Allegory
Target Audience: Boys and
Girls 13+
Subjects: Faith, Truth,
Salvation, Jesus’ death and resurrection. Persecution, Racism

Notes: The Owlings is the second in the
Shadowside Trilogy. The series is an allegorical tale of Jesus ministry on
earth, death and resurrection and some of the events of Acts – the persecution
of Christians and the spread of the Gospel. The story is set in a
science-fiction world with spaceships traveling to various planets and
scientific development being a main focus of the world.
In The Owlings, the good news that
Jesmet (the Jesus figure) is alive is cautiously being told to a couple of people,
but for the most part, those who follow Jesmet are hiding, waiting for the Numa
(Holy Spirit figure) to come. The problem is that Oriannon doesn’t wait – she
thinks maybe Sola is the Numa and starts helping Sola, thinking she is helping
the Owlings, when really the only thing she’s helping is their destruction. The
Owlilngs know and worship Jesmet and that’s a big reason they are under attack
from Sola – who hates even hearing the name of Jesmet. Sola seems to represent
Saul from the book of Acts. Oriannon seems to represent Peter with her
impulsiveness and yet willingness to believe.
Spiritual Content Recommendation Scale: 5/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
Acts 1:8 – But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes
on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea
and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Acts 8:1,3 – On that day a great persecution broke out against
the church in Jerusalem , and all except the
apostles were scattered throughout Judea and Samaria . But Saul began to destroy the
church. Going from house to house, he dragged off both men and women and
put them in prison.
Trion Rising
Posted by
12:33 PM
“A faithbreaker is anyone who speaks with the spirits of
animals and the dead, magicians and diviners, shamans. Someone who tears apart
the faith and undermines what we believe. Which is, of course forbidden in the
Codex. But come on, that’s just in the Codex. Stories. It’s not like there are
any real people today who are as evil as a faithbreaker.”
“That’s what I used to think, Ori, but I think we just saw
one in action.”
She had to ponder for a moment before she realized what he
was trying to say. Could he really mean…
“I’m telling you Ori, he’s a faithbreaker and if he is…”
Book: Trion Rising
by Robert Elmer,
Zondervan Publishers, 2008
Genre: Science Fiction/Allegory
Target Audience: Boys and
Girls 13+
Subjects: Faith, Truth,
Salvation, Jesus’ death and resurrection
Summary: The new music teacher
at school is rather different. But in a good way. He seems to know what the
kids are thinking and treats them with love and gentleness, but at the same
time pulls their very best out of them. He challenges their thinking and opens
their minds to music they’ve never dared to play before. Many of the students
are completely embracing him, including Oriannon. The adults don’t seem to
agree though, especially the council… including her own father who wants her to
use her special powers of memory to spy on Jesmet and report to the council
anything suspicious that happens. Jesmet completely earns Oriannon’s trust
though when he brings her dead friend back to life after a sudden accident and
then risks his life to save hers when a wild animal nearly attacks her. The
same events that convinces her to put her trust in him, convince the council to
carry out the full penalty of punishment against this faithbreaker as they
believe him to be and Jesmet is executed. In her despair, Oriannon finds
herself in the last place she would have expected to be and finds more hope
than she ever thought possible.
Notes: Trion Rising is the first in the
Shadowside Trilogy. The series is an allegorical tale of Jesus ministry on
earth, death and resurrection and some of the events of Acts – the persecution
of Christians and the spread of the Gospel. The story is set in a
science-fiction world with spaceships traveling to various planets and
scientific development being a main focus of the world.
In Trion Rising, the main characters
are introduced, the Jesus figure arrives on the scene, develops followers, brings
a dead person back to life, teaches following the truth over man-made rules, is
betrayed, killed and rises from the dead. Oriannon is introduced to the people
on the other side of the planet who are different from the lies she has been
told about them. She finds what it means to place her faith and trust in the
Jesus figure.
Spiritual Content Recommendation Scale: 5/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
1 Corinthians 15:3-4 – For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures,
Wishing Upon A Star
Posted by
11:27 AM
B.T.’s presence brought such a funny feeling inside. Kind
of like peace dancing. China
paused at the doorway and whispered, “Dear God, would it be okay if B.T. and I
got to be good friends? I don’t know if I’ve ever found such contentment with
anyone before.”
Book: Wishing Upon A Star by Lissa Halls
Johnson, Focus On The Family Publishers, 1995
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Target Audience: Girls
Subjects: Pride, Popularity,
Servanthood, Friendship

Notes: Project Black Bear is the third in
the seven book China Tate series about a tenth grade girl whose parents are missionaries
in Guatemala .
She has returned to the states to spend a summer with an aunt, hoping to find a
place to fit in. She finds her place at Camp Crazy Bear and winds up staying
and working in the kitchen for the summer. The series tells of the adventures
she has in friendship and learning responsibility.
In this fourth book, China continues
learning the lesson about what outside trappings really mean. From the
beginning, she admired and envied Heather for her beauty and popularity. Then
she misjudged Rick because he didn’t look attractive. Now she’s caught up yet
again in the idea that being rich and popular means you’re better than others.
She remembers her grandma telling “There’s no one so different in this world
that you are better than they are. And even more important, there’s no one so
different in this world that they are better or more special than you.” But she
disagrees. She sees the crowds of people following B.T. and the money he has
and decides that “special was proven by your volume of friends and the
importance of your work.” She finds out just how wrong she is when she loses
both DeeDee and B.T.’s friendship and almost Magda’s in her pursuit of fame and
fortune. A chapel lesson on servanthood that has campers washing people’s feet
makes her realize just how wrong she has been about what really matters and who
is truly important.
Spiritual Content Recommendation Scale: 5/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
Matthew 20:26-28 – Not so with you. Instead, whoever
wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to
be first must be your slave— just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life
as a ransom for many.”
Project Black Bear
Posted by
11:25 AM
“What does your job consist of, Dr. Hamilton?”
“Most of the time, I clean up messes other people make
through foolish decisions.”
DeeDee learned and whispered in her ear. “Maybe it’s
because he’s never made any.”
Kemper’s brows pulled together. “I’m not sure I follow
Dr. Hamilton looked out across the sea of kids, then
directly into Kemper’s eyes.. “I would be out of a job if people, especially
teenagers made better decisions.”
Book: Project Black Bear
by Lissa Halls
Johnson, Focus On The Family Publishers, 1994
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Target Audience: Girls
Subjects: Obedience, Authority,
Wisdom, Pride

Notes: Project Black Bear is the third in
the seven book China Tate series about a tenth grade girl whose parents are
missionaries in Guatemala .
She has returned to the states to spend a summer with an aunt, hoping to find a
place to fit in. She finds her place at Camp Crazy Bear and winds up staying
and working in the kitchen for the summer. The series tells of the adventures
she has in friendship and learning responsibility.
In this third book China and
DeeDee learn the hard way the importance of obedience. In chapel, they hear a
message about the importance of obeying God – even when they don’t understand
why the command is there. But they fail to apply it to the “Obey your parents
and those in authority over you” commands. So they feed the bears they have
been specifically commanded to not feed and the bears get used to human food
and seek it out and someone gets hurt because of their actions. They get all
mad at Dr. Hamilton for viewing them as irresponsible and yet prove him right
through their disobedience. They get excellent advice at the end from Kemper
who tells them to take responsibility for their mistake, confess it and let it
go instead of accepting the idea that they have to be stupid and worthless
because they messed up. He quotes Romans 8:28 to them (And we know
that in all things God works for the good of
those who love him, who have been called according
to his purpose) and challenges them to look for how
God can use this tragedy for good. He also explains that good doesn’t mean
happy. They don’t have to be happy about the tragedy, just be able to move on
from it to see how God can work in it.
Spiritual Content Recommendation Scale: 5/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
1 Samuel 15:22
– But Samuel replied:
“Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the Lord? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of
John 14:23 - Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me
will obey my teaching. My
Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.
The Secret In The Kitchen
Posted by
11:17 AM
Just as she raised her hand to strike the door again, she
remembered, Rick locks the walk-in as the last thing he does before he leaves.
He never, ever does anything else first.
China leaned her head against the door, her heart pounding
inside her chest.
I’m stuck. Trapped. There’s no way out.
Book: The Secret In The Kitchen by Lissa
Halls Johnson, Focus On The Family Publishers, 1994
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Target Audience: Girls
Subjects: Identity, Friendship,
Family Relationships, Revenge

Notes: The Secret In The Kitchen is the second
in the seven book China Tate series about a tenth grade girl whose parents are
missionaries in Guatemala .
She has returned to the states to spend a summer with an aunt, hoping to find a
place to fit in. She finds her place at Camp Crazy Bear and winds up staying
and working in the kitchen for the summer. The series tells of the adventures
she has in friendship and learning responsibility.
In this second book China is
settling into a routine working in the kitchen with Magda and living with
DeeDee and her family. But she has to adjust to some changes when the new
summer kitchen workers arrive and one doesn’t seem to like her very much. She
learns a lesson about appearances – what you see on the outside has no bearing
on what is on the inside. She judges both of the boys who work in the kitchen
by the outside and gets proved very wrong. The dog she and DeeDee find helps
reinforce the lesson as the dog is deaf and appears on the outside to be “not
okay”, but is of great comfort to both girls and quickly becomes very important
to them. The other approach the book takes is to simply not be too hasty in
making conclusions – there might be more going on than what you realize. When
China hears the story of one of the boys’ pasts she understands a lot better
why he does some of the things he does.
Spiritual Content Recommendation Scale: 5/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
Samuel 16:7 –
the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his
appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people
look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
Clearly my dad
has the money to help me out. But would he? The man might have murdered my
mother in cold blood. And here I was in his house. You’d think I’d have learned
my lesson about walking into traps. I just didn’t think I’d have much of a life
without basketball. Maybe that was melodramatic of me, but it was how I felt. I
needed to get the best surgery possible.
Book: Ambushed by Jill Williamson, Novel
Teen Press, 2014
Genre: Adventure
Target Audience: Boys 13-18
Subjects: Visions/Prophecy, Prayer, Friendship,
Betrayal, Purity, Salvation, Injury

Notes: Ambushed is the fourth in the
Mission League Chronicles, a series about an unsaved boy who joins a Christian
Spy Group for teens just to keep out of the military school his grandmother is
threatening him with.
As the
series progresses he learns of his parents’ history with the league, develops
some friends, gets introduced to spiritual gifts – including the gift of
prophecy – which he has, and discovers that he may be the fulfillment of a
prophecy himself and therefore a key target for the enemy. In this series there
are good and bad examples set by all of the characters but it is pointed out
clearly which are which most of the time so the teenage reader isn’t left doubting
which is right and which is wrong. Purity is a common resounding theme as
Spencer learns how to treat girls with respect and decency.
this book, Spencer has sworn off girls. He doesn’t want anything distracting
him from his goal of getting a basketball scholarship. That focus causes him to
do other dangerous things though. He openly acknowledges that is taking stupid
risks just to achieve his dream. However, a betrayal from a close friend pushes
him to a point where he is finally ready to give God his attention.
A huge
spiritual element that is key in this book comes when Spencer attends a
birthday party that Gabe’s dad hosts for him, focusing on helping Gabe figure
out what it takes to become a man. Spencer can’t stop thinking about evaluating
everything he sees according to those terms. Is he really living life in a way
that is respectful, responsible and righteous? Are those around him?
Spiritual Content
Recommendation Scale: 5/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
Philippians 1:9-11 – And this is my prayer: that
your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of
insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be
pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of
Project Gemini
Posted by
4:49 PM
“Let her go.
Please?” I say. My hands are trapped. I’m trapped.
Anya Vseveloda
steps into my vision. She’s dressed all in white. A fancy suit of some kind.
Her hair is down and wild. Her lips are blood red. They twist into a smile as
she raises a knife to my face. She’s enjoying this. “Just seeing how much you
wan this delights me. I think she will help us get information from you. Yes, I
think she will be very helpful. I glance over and see two girls in a restaurant
booth; one is the Asian swimmer I’ve dreamed of before, the other is slumped
over the table, curly brown hair in a ponytail.
Book: Project Gemini by Jill
Williamson, Marcher Lord Press, 2013
Genre: Adventure
Target Audience: Boys 13-18
Subjects: Visions/Prophecy, Prayer,
Betrayal, Dating Relationships, Friendship

Notes: Project Gemini is the third in
the Mission League Chronicles, a series about an unsaved boy who joins a
Christian Spy Group for teens just to keep out of the military school his
grandmother is threatening him with.
As the
series progresses he learns of his parents’ history with the league, develops
some friends, gets introduced to spiritual gifts – including the gift of
prophecy – which he has, and discovers that he may be the fulfillment of a
prophecy himself and therefore a key target for the enemy. In this series there
are good and bad examples set by all of the characters but it is pointed out
clearly which are which most of the time so the teenage reader isn’t left doubting
which is right and which is wrong. Purity is a common resounding theme as
Spencer learns how to treat girls with respect and decency.
this book, Spencer finds himself falling hard for a Japanese girl and has to
start questioning how far he is willing to go physically.
is the continuing question of his salvation – he actually finally tells off one
of the other characters who keeps pressuring him to make the decision to put
his trust in Christ for his salvation. He acknowledges that God has
specifically answered one of his prayers, but admits he is continuing to put
off the decision to surrender his life.
Spiritual Content
Recommendation Scale: 5/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
Philippians 1:9-11 – And this is my prayer: that
your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of
insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be
pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of
Posted by
4:47 PM
I was going to
have to provoke him and see what he did. I turned and sized him up. He looked
about five ten and weighed close to two-twenty. Had a bit of a gut. But he was
wearing a holster holding two guns that I could see and who knew what else.
This might backfire in a big way. Even if he was guilty he could still deny
everything. He could also kill me.
Book: Chokepoint by Jill Williamson,
Novel Teen Press, 2012
Genre: Adventure
Target Audience: Boys 13-18
Subjects: Visions/Prophecy, Prayer,
Betrayal, Dating Relationships, Friendship
Summary: Trying to mo on and be a normal teenage boy isn’t easy with
bodyguards trailing you everywhere, friends who betray you, pests and
antagonists who care more about you than you guessed. Throw in intense workouts
for both basketball and LCT – the martial arts training taught by the Mission
League along with normal school stuff and Spencer is in deep. The real
chokepoint comes when the bad guys get around Spencer’s bodyguards though. They
are willing to destroy anything – or anyone – in their way.
Notes: Chokepoint is the second in
the Mission League Chronicles, a series about an unsaved boy who joins a
Christian Spy Group for teens just to keep out of the military school his
grandmother is threatening him with.
As the
series progresses he learns of his parents’ history with the league, develops
some friends, gets introduced to spiritual gifts – including the gift of
prophecy – which he has, and discovers that he may be the fulfillment of a
prophecy himself and therefore a key target for the enemy. In this series there
are good and bad examples set by all of the characters but it is pointed out
clearly which are which most of the time so the teenage reader isn’t left doubting
which is right and which is wrong. Purity is a common resounding theme as
Spencer learns how to treat girls with respect and decency.
this book, Spencer pursues a girl from the Mission League who tells him she has
no intention of kissing anyone until marriage. His friend Gabe challenges him
to not “treat girls like meat” and to be careful not to lead them on.
is also the continuing element of Spencer’s need for salvation. He has not made
the choice to put his trust in Christ yet. His doesn’t yet believe prayer will
accomplish anything for him.
Spiritual Content
Recommendation Scale: 5/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
2 Timothy 2:22 – Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue
righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out
of a pure heart.
Light Up New York
Posted by
2:14 PM
Mia couldn’t have been more surprised if Jennifer had
reached down and pulled the rug out from under their feet. Did Jennifer know?
She couldn’t. But then why was she asking them this question? Mia’s heart
thumped in her chest, and the silent words, “Don’t do it, Lulu. Don’t do it!”
beat in her ears. But how could she expect her little sister to keep the secret
at a moment like this, with the eyes of… everyone… watching? Mia knew she
should say something, but she wasn’t sure what to say. She couldn’t lie on
national television? No, of course she couldn’t. But what could she do?
Book: Light Up New York by Natalie Grant, Zonderkidz, 2017
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Target Audience: Girls 10-14
Subjects: Sibling Relationships,
Truth, Helping the needy, Showing love to others

Notes: Light Up New
York is the fourth in the Glimmer Girls series – a series by music artist,
Natalie Grant. She writes a story comparable to her own life – 3 daughters, the
oldest two twins, a singer mom, a producer dad. The strength of the story is in
the way the family lives out their faith, making it a party of everything they
do. It shows young girls asking the kinds of questions girls do at that age and
parents giving them the answers they need, directing them to the right source.
In this fourth book, the twins, are
wrestling with how to show love to their little sister. Lulu is first of all,
just simply being annoying, being whiny and getting her way, being
embarrassing, being irresponsible and once, just plain spiteful! Maddie and Mia
learn a lesson about how to return meanness with kindness and about how to tell
the truth in a way that encourages forgiveness and builds trust rather than
brushing things over and claiming they are ok while really harboring
bitterness. They learn to be honest, not just with their sister, but with their
parents. Here’s an example: “Mia nodded, trying to reframe what she needed to
say from an accusation into words that felt more truthful.” “Plus, you’d be
doing what big sisters should do, model a way to be. You’re showing Lulu that
it’s okay to talk about being upset. Maybe after a while, she will try it
herself. You never know. Maybe she’ll start talking to you about her feelings
rather than acting out. Or crying.”
There is also the spiritual element of
giving to the needy. The Light Up New York event the Glimmer Girls are
participating in encourages everyone in New
York City to reach out to others. People are sleeping
outside on a cold winter night to raise awareness for the homeless. Talented
people are raising money to donate to charities or education. And the Snow
Angel (SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!) winds up being people who have decided to listen
to those around them and find unique ways to secretly meet the small needs they
become aware of.
Interestingly, in contrast, the book
also seems to promote a materialistic mindset. The Glimmer Girls are apparently
very wealthy. They are staying in what is portrayed as a very nice hotel for
days, renting 2 rooms of it, visiting numerous tourist spots, eating out at
restaurants for every meal, and the girls keep getting toys and money to spend
on souvenirs. It’s an interesting contrast – supposedly they are in the city to
help the poor, but they are clearly quite comfortable living with a very
materialistic mindset. Some might find it offensive the way the girls are given
so many toys and souvenirs merely upon the asking for it.
It also shows the girls turning to
prayer and at one point, it says, “Breathe, she told herself. Then she realized
she was trying to do things on her own again. She wondered why her first
impulse when she was worried wasn’t to pray. It was so easy to forget that God
was right there, waiting for her to reach out.”
I highly highly recommend this book
and the others in the series! They are very well done books that challenge
young girls to grow in their faith.
Content Recommendation Scale: 5/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
Matthew 19:21
- Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect,
go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in
heaven. Then come, follow me.”
Thank you to the publishers for providing me with a free
review copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion! I greatly enjoyed
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