“Let her go.
Please?” I say. My hands are trapped. I’m trapped.
Anya Vseveloda
steps into my vision. She’s dressed all in white. A fancy suit of some kind.
Her hair is down and wild. Her lips are blood red. They twist into a smile as
she raises a knife to my face. She’s enjoying this. “Just seeing how much you
wan this delights me. I think she will help us get information from you. Yes, I
think she will be very helpful. I glance over and see two girls in a restaurant
booth; one is the Asian swimmer I’ve dreamed of before, the other is slumped
over the table, curly brown hair in a ponytail.
Book: Project Gemini by Jill
Williamson, Marcher Lord Press, 2013
Genre: Adventure
Target Audience: Boys 13-18
Subjects: Visions/Prophecy, Prayer,
Betrayal, Dating Relationships, Friendship

Notes: Project Gemini is the third in
the Mission League Chronicles, a series about an unsaved boy who joins a
Christian Spy Group for teens just to keep out of the military school his
grandmother is threatening him with.
As the
series progresses he learns of his parents’ history with the league, develops
some friends, gets introduced to spiritual gifts – including the gift of
prophecy – which he has, and discovers that he may be the fulfillment of a
prophecy himself and therefore a key target for the enemy. In this series there
are good and bad examples set by all of the characters but it is pointed out
clearly which are which most of the time so the teenage reader isn’t left doubting
which is right and which is wrong. Purity is a common resounding theme as
Spencer learns how to treat girls with respect and decency.
this book, Spencer finds himself falling hard for a Japanese girl and has to
start questioning how far he is willing to go physically.
is the continuing question of his salvation – he actually finally tells off one
of the other characters who keeps pressuring him to make the decision to put
his trust in Christ for his salvation. He acknowledges that God has
specifically answered one of his prayers, but admits he is continuing to put
off the decision to surrender his life.
Spiritual Content
Recommendation Scale: 5/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
Philippians 1:9-11 – And this is my prayer: that
your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of
insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be
pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of
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