Stephanie grabbed her glove and made her way into
the outfield, feeling hurt and confused. As she passed by Alexis and Jackie,
Jackie smiled that awful fake smile at her. Stephanie, who had never hit anyone
in her life, had an almost irresistible urge to punch her.
Genre: Sports Fiction
Target Audience: Girls 12-15
Subjects: Anorexia, bullying, physical disability, friendship, witnessing
Summary: Stephanie adores her older brother. When he’s hurt in an
accident and left at least temporarily paralyzed it only strengthens Stephanie
and draws both her and her brother closer to Christ. But Stephanie’s faith is
about to be severely tested when she joins a softball team with a big bully on
it. This other girl is used to her dad’s money buying whatever she wants –
including coveted positions on the team. When she doesn’t get what she wants,
she turns her wrath on those around her, both Stephanie and her new friend
Alexis. Worse still is the fact that she turns Alexis against Stephanie when
Alexis needs her most. Alexis has a serious eating disorder and Stephanie was
trying to help her when the bully got in the way. Pretty soon Stephanie is
unsure if she should even continue playing softball because of the pressure!
Recommendation Scale: 5/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
2 Timothy
1:7 - For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.
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