Patrick was pushed with the men down a
long hallway. It was lined with cells on each side. Some held more men. Others
had caged animals. “It’s like a zoo,” Patrick said. What are the animals all
doing here?”
“The same as us,” Aldric said. “We’re
here to die for the glory of Rome.”
Book: Attack at the Arena (AIO Imagination Station Books) by Marianne Hering and Paul
McCusker, Focus on the Family and Tyndale House
Publishing, 2011
Target Audience: Boys and girls 8-13
Subjects: Murder, Rome
Summary: A trip to ancient Rome
sounds quite exciting to Patrick and Beth – until they get captured and sent to
the arena! As soon as the kids returned from their adventure with the Vikings,
Mr. Whittaker receives another note saying Albert needs his help. This one says
that he needs a silver cup. The Imagination Station still won’t let Mr.
Whittaker have adventures for some reason, so Patrick and Beth go in pursuit of
the cup. Beth posing as a slave is caught and sent to Emperor Honorious.
Patrick joins up with a monk by the name of Telemachus, but is captured and
sent to the arena to die for the glory of Rome.
The people are demanding more violence, more death and Patrick and Beth may be
the ones the crowd gets!
Spiritual Content Recommendation Scale: 4/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
1 John 3:12 – Do not be like Cain, who belonged to the evil one and murdered his
brother. And why did he murder him? Because his own actions were evil and his
brother's were righteous.
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