Toki’s face twisted up in anger. “You
speak like the man Calvert! I hate his words! I hate the teachings of his God!
Your God would be King and change our ways. He would make us weak with words
like ‘love your enemies.’ I am king. I kill and eat my enemies.”
Book: Battle for Cannibal Island (AIO Imagination Station Books) by Marianne Hering and Wayne
Thomas Batson, Focus on the Family and Tyndale House
Publishing, 2012
Target Audience: Boys and girls 8-13
Subjects: Missions, Cannibalism, Selfishness
Summary: It’s not fair! His mom is making Patrick miss his big soccer game for
his grandma’s birthday. His grandma isn’t even fun to be around! She pinches
his cheeks and criticizes him. In his grumpiness Patrick even lashes out at
Beth when she tries to encourage him. And he does what he knows is disobedient
– he starts an Imagination Station Adventure without asking Mr. Whittaker’s
permission. Soon Patrick and Beth find themselves on a ship with all sorts of
problems. A storm is coming, the cannibal king is burning villages of
Christians on the nearby island, a convict escapes and uses Patrick as his
hostage, a man falls overboard and a missionary on board the ship is determined
to be allowed to go on shore of the island with the cannibals!
Spiritual Content Recommendation Scale: 5/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
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