The professor picked up the metal striker. A flame caught on
the burner. As she moved the test tube over the flame, the burner exploded, and
the classroom erupted into screams.
Genre: Mystery
Target Audience: Girls 10-14
Subjects: Revenge, Death of a loved one, Sibling
relationships, Relationship with parents, Friendship
Summary: Science Camp is going to be amazing! Thankfully a
student dropped out, making room for Andi to get in at the last minute. She and
Colin will get to learn so much… that is if the camp actually happens. Someone
seems determined to destroy the camp or the college or a person. Andi and Colin
aren’t quite sure what the target is. Valuables have gone missing, the crickets
were all let out of their cage and worst of all, chemicals were messed with so
that a simple experiment caused a dangerous explosion. Rumor has it the old
janitor did it because of his reputation. Andi and Colin are convinced he isn’t
the guilty one, but if he isn’t, then who is?
The first book in this series had a tiny hint of spiritual content.
This one has absolutely none. There is not even a mention of attending church
or prayer or God or the Bible, let alone actual spiritual encouragement or
challenge. The main characters live a moral life, only doing some lying or
sneaking around or disobeying and that appears to be why it is published under
the Christian label.
Spiritual Content Recommendation Scale: 1/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
Romans 12:19 – Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave
room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will
repay," says the Lord.
Thank you to the publisher for providing me with a free
review copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
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