“You still would have gotten in trouble.” “Not as much trouble as we’re gonna get in if the found out about this.” He walked to the other side of the barn and sat down on a hay bale, blowing out a long breath. “So what are we gonna do?” Mary Beth followed him. “I guess the only thing we can do is tell Mami and Daed.” He frowned. “You have another suggestion? Like one that won’t get us grounded until next year?”
Book: A Summer Secret
by Kathleen Fuller, Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2010
Genre: Amish Fiction
Target Audience: Girls 12-16
Subjects: Amish way of life, obedience, relationship with siblings, showing love to others, foster care
Summary: Mary Beth is so sick of her brothers! They’re always getting into trouble and if she’s not careful, they’ll drag her down too! When she finds an opportunity to make a secret hide out in an old abandoned barn she seizes it – never mind that she’s been forbidden to go in. It is the perfect place to get away from her brothers. The trouble is that someone else seems to think so too. Her food is disappearing, her things are being moved around. Someone is obviously thinking the same thing as her and ruining her chance to escape. That’s not her biggest problem though. Soon she and her brother find themselves keeping multiple secrets from their parents, secrets that could put them and someone else in great danger.
Notes: This book follows the style of the adult Amish fiction books – very focused on the family relationships, the danger of secrets, and decisions about life direction. It teaches good lessons about showing love to others and about obedience to parents.
Recommendation Scale: 4/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
James 2:16 – If one of you says to him, “Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it?
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