Maddy didn’t understand what any of it meant. All she knew was that the princess of her dream was real in this strange world, and now she’d lost sight of her.
Book: Annison’s Risk
by Paul McCuscker, Thomas Nelson Publishing, 1999
Genre: Allegory
Target Audience: Girls 11-16
Subjects: Growing up, faith, courage
Summary: When Maddy finds herself in Marus and meets the princess in her dream, she is sure she has fallen right into the middle of a fairy tale! A beautiful princess, being forced to marry a man she does not love, a kingdom in the midst of a power struggle, and sneaky plots to overthrow the king. However, it seems that the Unseen One has called her here in search of something other than romance and fairy tales.
Notes: This is the story of Esther told in an allegory about another world that a girl from our world finds herself in. Maddy is a young girl with dreams of romance and excitement, but from the very beginning, the characters that represent Mordeci and Esther challenge her to something higher than greater than what she imagined. Maddy learns what it means to have faith in God, even when things start falling apart. She learns to have courage to stand up against evil, even when it could mean the loss of her own life. This is the 3rd book in the Passages series, a series which correlates to Adventures in Odyssey, with Whit and Tom researching the stories of the children who have gone to Marus.
Recommendation Scale: 5/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
Esther 4:14b - Who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?
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