How could her friends hold so on so tightly to a God who clearly didn't care? All He'd done was give them glimpses of false hope - then snatch it away again, and again. Wouldn't something like this make them doubt? What keeps them going? Why pray to someone who does what He wants in the end anyway? What's the big attraction?
Book: Dragonfly On My Shoulder
by Jeanette Hanscome, Focus On The Family Publishing, 2003
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Target Audience: Girls 13-19
Subjects: Prayer, loss
Summary: Solona has come closer to God a few times over the last year, but this is too much. When her uncle has an accident and the medical bills put him in financial trouble, it seems he is going to lose the ranch Solona loves so much. She can't let that happen! She and her friends start with a bunch of fundraisers, that don't make anywhere near enough money. Then she pursues a wildlife protection agency, but even that fails. She prayed, her good Christian friends prayed. God didn't listen. Her uncle is still going to lose the ranch and there's nothing Solona can do about it.
Notes: Solona is an unbeliever who hangs out with a group of Christian friends. She has heard the Gospel many times, see God's work in the lives of her friends, but hangs on to her belief that faith and science don't mix. How can God really be real? It seems that Solona takes a different perspective by this point, almost as if she's admitting God is there, but isn't willing to surrender her own ideas and follow Him yet. This book does an amazing job looking about pain and hurt and frustration that someone losing the things that matter to them would feel. It's a very realistic look at prayer and God's work in our lives. I highly recommend this to anyone struggling and doubting that God hears and answers prayer. They will easily relate to Solona's doubts.
Recommendation Scale: 5/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
James 1:17 - Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
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