Well, I know of a map that leads across time. Adin, it is a very ancient, magical map, and it has been kept safely hidden for centuries. Whoever uses this map will find their way back in time.
Genre: Fantasy
Target Audience: Boys and Girls 13-19
Subjects: Faith, Love, Relationship with Family
Summary: Adin has always been the weak one, his sister defending him, fighting for him. But now, the time has come for him to stand and lead the way. He goes off on his own seeking the legendary phoenix, but instead, finds a strange old cottage with an old man and a talking pig of all things! The stranger gives him a map that will lead him across time where he may be able to change some things if he can face the challenges that await him there.
Notes: This book started very interesting, with some interesting concepts. However, by the end of it, it got so confusing and complicated that a sci-fi fan would go for it! Time travel is always an interesting subject, but C. S. Lankin has just shown how complicated it can truly be! As for spiritual content, it quotes verses from the Bible throughout it and the main characters are learning a lesson about faith. Their father had turned to greed to find comfort and security and peace. The children could not find it there and Adin sets out to find what will change the kingdom. The spiritual element was not as strong as it could have been, but there was definitely a spiritual element present.
Recommendation Scale: 3/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
Ecclesiastes 3:11 – He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.
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