Genre: Fantasy
Target Audience: Boys 16+
Subject: Purity - seeing others as pure through God, Alternate Universes
Summary: This, the 3rd book in the Echoes From The Edge series places Nathan trying to save all three earths and yet save his loved ones as well. In the midst of people from all three earths appearing and disappearing, Nathan has to make wise choices that will result in as many lives being saved as possible. Nathan also has consider his views of Kelly, someone who is not a virgin, who has not kept the purity standards he holds, but who is desperate to know that she can be loved, by God and by someone as pure as Nathan.
Notes: The Echoes From The Edge series is quite confusing for people like me. Three earths and the ability to travel between them, other dimensions/realities/whatever you call it. I enjoyed the story in spite of this theme. However, I can easily foresee a boy enjoying the books in spite of the emphasis on character development! :-) In other words, I think this series has something to offer two very different audiences. It's a beautiful picture of God's love, and the descriptions of the music... wow! And for boys, this traveling between various dimensions and nonstop adventure, attempts to defeat the bad guys... well I think they'd really enjoy that! So check out the series and don't stop until you finish the 3rd book, the most beautiful of them! :-
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