#1 - The Guardian
by Bill Myers, Tyndale House Publishers, 1995
Genre: Supernatural
Target Audience: Boys and Girls 15+
Subject: Spiritual Warfare
Summary: Rebecca, her brother Scotty and friend Ryan are being used by God to bring His light to those ensnared in the darkness of the evil one. In The Guardian, Rebecca's friends from school are asking demons who appear to be angels of light to come and inhabit them. One has had a near-death experience and thinks that the being calling to her is from God. Rebecca tries again and again to warn them that these beings are not from God, but not only will they not listen, the demons have convinced them that Rebecca is the evil one and must be stopped. Even Ryan begins to doubt what he knows to be true. After all, God is supposed to be loving right? Rebecca is the only one who knows the truth, but she's tried and failed. She'll only get hurt worse if she keeps trying.
Notes: Bill Myers communicates clearly the power that Christ and His followers have over the powers of the evil one. He also clearly communicates the dangner of being involved with such powers. Characters face life threatening situations, eternities are at stake. It is truly a susepenseful story. The Guardian is the 5th book in the Forbidden Doors series
Recommendation Scale: 4.5
#2 - Heart Chaser
by Thomas Locke, Bethany house Publishers, 1997
Genre: Fantasy
Target Audience: Boys and Girls 13-18
Subject: Spiritual Gifts, Talents and Skills
Summary: Consuela and Rick are ordinary kids from our world. Rick is the popular football player. Consuela is the opposite, she's from the poverished single parent home. Both know something is missing in their life. They both have big dreams. Then one night at the fair, they disappear and find themselves in a new world. Here they are gifted with gifts from God. They have to learn to use the gifts He gave them to serve His people. This results in space adventures - traveling through space at great speeds, learning to operate weaponry, sending signals across the galaxy, hunting down space pirates, searching shadow lanes, and more.
Notes: This book is the fourth in the Spectrum Chronicles series, books focused on characters learning who their identity is. The main characters struggle with who they are, who others think they are, and who they should be. Through the adventure, romance, danger, and excitement in the fantasy world they develop into who the Lord wishes them to be.
Recommendation Scale: 4
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