quickly wiped the glass of the porthole and looked out. Black smoke
from a cannon filled the air on the side of the ship.
cannonball collided with the water only feet from their vessel. John
looked out the porthole at the buoy. “If we pass it and those rowboats
keep coming at us, we’re dead.”
“If that ship hits us with a cannonball, we’re dead too. Ambrose wiped the sweat from his brow. What to do?
Book: Submarines, Secrets and a Daring Rescue (American Revolutionary War Adventures)
by Robert J. Skead with Robert A. Skead, Zonderkidz, 2015
Genre: Historical Fiction
Target Audience: Boys 10-15
Subjects: Revolutionary War, Sibling Relationships, Courage, Right from Wrong
Summary: Their dad would love nothing more than to send anyone, anyone at all out again rather than his sons. But there’s no choice. Ambrose really is the best sailor around. And he and John have already proven themselves courageous and loyal to the cause. Their mission this time is to tow the submarine to the drop off point where it will sneak under the water and attach a bomb to the bottom of a ship. Their only responsibility is to safely tow it to the drop off point where their older and stronger brother will take over. The problem is that he has been captured by the redcoats and so now it’s up to them to finish the mission and this part is even more dangerous than the first part!
Spiritual Content Recommendation Scale: 3/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
Isaiah 30:21 - Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it."
Thank you to the publisher for proving me with a free review copy in exchange for my honest opinion.
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