grinned at his friends, then turned back to face the icy-blue mist. He
squinted and thrust one hand in and out of the mysterious aura, hoping
it wasn’t burning hot or freezing cold. His hand registered neither so
he pushed forward again and left it in place. Nothing. Emboldened by the
immediate lack of danger, Ryann put one hand out in front of him and
stepped up into the swirling blue mist.
Genre: Allegory
Target Audience: Boys and Girls 11-16
Subjects: Sacrifice, Trust in God, Pride, Faith
Summary: They’ve waited all summer for a chance to get back to Aeliana and at last their chance is here! But when they show up, they learn that it’s been a lot longer than a few months for the people of Aeliana – in fact, it’s been a few hundred years! The children waste no time jumping right into adventures as they seek the shield of faith they were commissioned to find last spring. The search gets set aside though, when after they hear a strange dwarf prophecy in the wilderness, a white unicorn appears and asks them and others to follow Him. The black unicorn setting himself up as king of the land is not pleased about this at all and soon plans are laid for destruction!
Notes: Ryann Watters And The Shield Of Faith is the second in the Annals of Aeliana series. The series is an allegory with the idea that there is another world out there and God loves the beings of that world and is launching a rescue plan for them too. He is using people from our world to help the other world. The books are packed full of Scripture. It’s through studying God’s Word that Ryann figures out answers to his questions, grows in knowledge and understanding and solves the mystery of where the armor is hidden. The Shield of Faith focuses on retelling the story of Jesus’ three years of ministry, death, resurrection and ascension. It highlights the idea of the 400 years of silence between the Old and New Testament with the idea that the Word has not spoken to them in a few hundred years. It tells the story of John the Baptist with the strange dwarf quoting the words from John 1. It tells of the calling of the disciples as the White Unicorn goes around asking various beings to follow Him. It sets up a religious system to represent the Pharisees and teachers of the law. Then it goes through the three years doing and saying some of the exact things Jesus did and said as recorded in the Gospels. It even shows the followers looking at the Scriptures and not understanding what they mean – how the prophecies represent Him. Interestingly, Ryann and his parents actually discuss the allegory – they talk about how God has obviously created another world and is launching a rescue plan for them as well. It’s basically a speculative story of “What if there were another world and Jesus came and did for them exactly what He did for us?”. It’s a fun, imaginative exploration of the fantasy idea. Of note, due to the Jesus’ figure’s death, this book gets a little bit intense at some moments.
Spiritual Content Recommendation Scale: 5/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
John 10:10-11 - The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.
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