Aazan then drew his own sword and said, “It doesn’t seek the blood of a newcomer. It seeks the blood of a true child of Silene.”
“”No!” Tarek shouted.
Aazan’s eyes darted around the square. Then he pointed. “Seize Sabra!” he cried out.
Book: Hunt for the Devil's Dragon (AIO Imagination Station Books)
by Marianne Hering and Wayne Thomas Batson, Focus on the Family and Tyndale House Publishing, 2013
Genre: Adventure
Target Audience: Boys and girls 8-13
Subjects: Fear, Superstition, Sacrifice, Faith, Courage
Summary: Courage. It’s hard to come by sometimes. Beth wants to do the right thing and stand up for those being bullied. Standing up to a bully seems as hard as facing a dragon though! Thankfully Mr. Whittaker has the perfect solution for her – an imagination station adventure. He sends Patrick and Beth to 13th century Libya to face a real dragon and another bully. This time the bully isn’t interested in attacking with mere words though. This time it’s the actual life he is threatening.
Spiritual Content Recommendation Scale: 5/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
Philippians 1:20 - I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death.
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