Quinlan's eyes widened. What was He saying? Surely not...Everything in him wanted to deny what the Prince was asking of him, but he dared not.
Book: Sir Quinlan And The Swords Of Valor
by Chuck Black, Multnomah Publishers, 2010
Genre: Allegory
Target Audience: Boys 12-18
Subjects: Faith, Doubts, Leadership
Summary:Twitch is nothing compared to his friend Tav, but somehow he is the one chosen to be a part of the Swords of Valor. It doesn't make sense, especially when he seems to fail at his first important mission. Later though, a Silent Warrior finds him and Twitch, now known as Quinlan begs to be trained so that he can truly serve His Prince effectively. He has no idea to what degree the Prince wants to use him though!
Notes: This allegory fits in the time of the Church, the time between Jesus ascension and His glorious return. It could take place anywhere, any time today. A young man seeks a second chance to serve his Prince. His heart is in the right place, but he is tempted to let fear stop him from doing what the Prince asks of him. It's also an interesting look at what it means to serve God with your heart. Another character also acknowledges the prince with his lips, but his heart serves himself rather than the Prince and when the time comes, the Prince rejects him.
Recommendation Scale: 5/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
Ephesians 4:1 - I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.
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