The Ancients

Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Book: The Ancients by Bill Myers
Genre: Supernatural fiction
Target Audience: Same as others
Subjects: Occult, friendships, spiritual warfare
Summary: Sometimes the lie has bits of truth woven into it. Sometimes it has just enough to make it look ok. Rebecca, Scotty, Ryan and Mom are sent to a Native American reservation where the tribe is clinging to the ancient ways, particularly the religion their forefathers practiced. Rebecca and Scotty can easily see the evil one’s fingerprints on much of it, but Ryan is so fascinated with the culture he is willing to explore any and all aspects of it that he can. After all, if you just change the wording a bit, their religion could line up with the Bible… couldn’t it?
Notes: This book presents a situation in which the lie looks so much like the truth, a believer is drawn completely into the spirit worship, endangering himself and the others. It’s a focus on how important it is to pay attention to warning signs when it seems something isn’t quite right and carefully hold it up against the Bible, that which you know to be true.
Recommendation Scale: 5/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi

1 Timothy 4:7 - Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives' tales; rather train yourself to be godly. 


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