She began sobbing, “Don’t let me go… don’t let me go.” Rebecca looked on. She wanted desperately to help but knew there was nothing she could do. It wasn’t until Ryan touched her arm and pointed toward the drawing in the dirt and ash that her concern gave way to another emotion. The markings were several inches deep. Only now it was clear they were not drawings. They were words. WE AWAIT AT CABIN
Book: The Encounter
by Bill Myers, Tyndale House Publishers, 1995
Genre: Supernatural/Realistic Fiction
Target Audience: Boys and Girls 13+
Subjects: Occult, Spiritual Warfare, Dating Relationships, Role Playing Games/Video Games
Summary: Airheaded Krissy isn’t such an airhead these days. She’s got power and is welding it carefully. Ever since the encounter with the demon in the mansion that used her hand to write messages, she has been pursuing more of the possession, although she does not know that’s what it is. They are disguising themselves as “aliens” that are here to cleanse the planet and are saying that Krissi has been specially chosen. Phillip gets scared though when “an encounter” happens and hours pass that he can not account for. Meanwhile Scotty is fascinated with a video game that Daryl’s cousin has set up. It’s a video game/RPG and Scotty is determined to win – at any cost – any cost.
Notes: This book discusses demon possession, aliens and role playing games. It also continues building the theme of Rebecca’s reluctance to get involved in more spiritual warfare but her responsibility to do whatever it is Christ asks of her. It gets quite intense, scary and graphic at a couple of points but as with the others in the series, it clearly communicates Biblical truth. At the end, as with the others, it also includes a note to readers about spiritual warfare and the occult.
Recommendation Scale: 5/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
Ephesians 5:16 - Be very careful, then how you live - not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity because the days are evil.
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