“It was as if he had no will of his own. He felt compelled by something outside himself to respond to the dying knight’s plea.”
Book: In The Hall Of The Dragon King
by Stephen R. Lawhead, Zondervan Publishing, 1982
Genre: Fantasy/allegory
Target Audience: Boys 13-19
Subjects: Faith in God, seeking truth
Summary: Quentin is no one important, just a young acolyte serving in the temple when a strange knight appears with mortal injuries and begs to have a message delivered to the queen. Quentin would have never dreamed of leaving the temple, yet finds himself volunteering to go. Soon he is off on a huge adventure to save the king! Thus begins the Dragon King Trilogy, the story of a young boy who when faced with knowledge of the one true God and the opportunity to serve both Him and the king has to make a choice that will change his entire life and send him off on grand adventures and battles as he fights evil sorcerers, mighty army commanders and strange beings.
Notes: The allegory makes this book very well written. Quentin has to continually choose to follow and obey the one true God or go his own way or turn back to the powerless beings he worshipped in the temple.
Recommendation Scale: 5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
Hebrews 11:6 - And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
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