Book: Boyfriends, Burritos & An Ocean of Trouble
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Target Audience: Girls 13-20
Subject: God's Word, abuse, friendships, dating relationships, family relationships
Summary: Bryn's attempt at hiding a terrible secret all comes out when she finds herself in the emergency room one night. Immediately a chain of events begins that leaves her desperately scrambling to survive. First there's her father's insistence that they press charges against the guilty one, leading all the way to a trial. Then there's her mom sending her surfing, dominating grandmother to live with Bryn & her dad while her mom is away on a trip with her sister. Then comes the threats from the guilty one and his friends. Then when everything becomes too much Bryn finds a book that beckons her to read it and finds hope and power within it's words.
Notes: This book hits on a heavy issue: date abuse. Bryn wants to believe in a fairy tale, wants to believe her boyfriend could really be all he pretends to be, but when the bruises on her are seen, the truth comes out and all choice is taken out of her hands. Her grandmother has a reputation for being forceful and rude, but despite Bryn's expectations, her grandmother teaching her to surf actually turns out to be a source of comfort for Bryn. The RL book truly proves to be as powerful as the Bible claims to be. As Bryn turns to it or fights it, she finds her very questions answered and things that apply directly to her situation. Nancy Rue does a great job in the back of the book including a note that talks about how the Bible really is as powerful as portrayed through the Real Life book in the story.
Recommendation Scale: 5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
Thank you Nancy Rue for sending me a copy to review! I really enjoyed it and will do my best to pass it on to teen girls!
Hebrews 4:12 – For the Word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
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