"My name is Gaius", he said. "And I want you to fulfill a prophecy."
Book: Chosen Ones
by Alister E. McGrath, Zondervan, 2010
Genre: Fantasy/Allegory
Target Audience: boys and Girls 12-15
Subjects: Faith in God, willingness to follow what is unseen
Summary: The silvery moonlight made the garden look so beautiful... only the moon wasn't out that night. Julia is quite willing to believe in magic and fairies and the unknown. Peter however, is only willing to believe in science and things he can explain. Both of them find themselves in another world though, not just Julia! And both are about to learn a few things about trusting in a Lord you can't see.
Notes: A new fantasy/allegory series! It's simpler than many, quite appropriate for younger teens. You can tell there's alot more to be developed, particularly in the spiritual realm. Both characters learned a bit in this story, but Peter especially has alot to learn still. This isn't stated, but Peter never really gets the instruction that Julia does, doesn't learn that the Lord they are working for in this land, is really God himself.
Recommendation Scale: 4
Reviewer: J:-)mi
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