"Prom Journal: Operation Prom Date – They say the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. So I guess I have a problem. I’ve never had a single date."
Target Audience: Girls 14-18
Subjects: Dating relationships, friendships, relationship with parents
Summary: Daisy is determined. She will experience life. No matter what her parents views are, she will get a date for prom and she will go. So she begins a journal where she secretly records her attempts to get herself a date. There are 5 guys on her list, 5 possibilities for the perfect prom photo. Slowly, one after another gets crossed off. Soon though, she finds support in the form of her best friend Claire. They will hold the ultimate party and both achieve their goals: Claire to get her parents’ attention and Daisy to get a boyfriend. When things go majorly wrong at the party is all hope lost? Will Daisy remain permanently dateless?
Notes: This one is an interesting look at the side of Christian culture that goes ultra conservative. Daisy is not to dress like anyone else, not even wearing jeans to school, no boy-girl outings, no accepting rides home from work from a boy, no allowing boys to call her – even for homework questions, no mission trips that involve both boys and girls, and certainly no dating! Daisy can’t stand the strict lifestyle her parents want her to live and finds ways to rebel against it. However, her parents are doing it out of genuine love and concern for their daughter. Daisy and her parents both must learn a few lessons about culture and love for family.
Recommendation Scale: 4.5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
Summary: Daisy is determined. She will experience life. No matter what her parents views are, she will get a date for prom and she will go. So she begins a journal where she secretly records her attempts to get herself a date. There are 5 guys on her list, 5 possibilities for the perfect prom photo. Slowly, one after another gets crossed off. Soon though, she finds support in the form of her best friend Claire. They will hold the ultimate party and both achieve their goals: Claire to get her parents’ attention and Daisy to get a boyfriend. When things go majorly wrong at the party is all hope lost? Will Daisy remain permanently dateless?
Notes: This one is an interesting look at the side of Christian culture that goes ultra conservative. Daisy is not to dress like anyone else, not even wearing jeans to school, no boy-girl outings, no accepting rides home from work from a boy, no allowing boys to call her – even for homework questions, no mission trips that involve both boys and girls, and certainly no dating! Daisy can’t stand the strict lifestyle her parents want her to live and finds ways to rebel against it. However, her parents are doing it out of genuine love and concern for their daughter. Daisy and her parents both must learn a few lessons about culture and love for family.
Recommendation Scale: 4.5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
1 Corinthians 9:22 - I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some.
Thank you to Revell for providing me with a free copy of this book to review! I apologize for forgetting to post this sooner!