How many of you played truth or dare as a child? An innocent game right? When Lindsay and her friends play it turns a lot more serious.
#1 - Truth or Dare
by Nicole O'Dell, Barbour Publishing, 2009
Genre: Realistic Fiction, Choose Your Own Adventure
Target Audience: Girls 13-16
Subjects: Alcohol, friendships, relationships with unbelievers, dating relationships, relationships with parents
Summary: The summer is over and the girls are officially 8th graders and way beyond ready for it! Or so they think... When their weekly sleepovers gain a new custom: playing truth or dare, they discover they aren't quite as mature as they thought. Lindsay wants to live out her faith among her friends, but she also wants to keep their friendship. Kelly isn't so sure Lindsay should have both. It's time for Lindsay to decide. Or maybe it's time for you to decide! Written as extremely simplified "Choose Your Own Adventure" style book, you get to decide what choice Lindsay makes and then read the consequences of that choice.
Notes: Nicole O'Dell is trying something a bit unique. Choose Your Own Adventure books have been around for a long time, but not in book targeted to Christian Teen Girls! It's not an adventure story, just typical realistic fiction, but it has the choose your ending format. Interestingly, she eventually shows Lindsay making good choices and receiving good consequences from either ending option. It would be neat to see her explore this genre a bit more, make a few more options throughout the story. It does get a little stereotypical for a bit of it, but outside of that it is pretty good!
Recommendation Scale: 4
Reviewer: J:-)mi
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