How do you deal with the potential death of a loved one? This book shows how two characters respond to their mothers undergoing treatment for cancer.
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Target Audience: Girls 13-20
Subjects: Death/potential death of a loved one, friendship
Summary: Quinn and Annie meet at a center for families to stay at while someone is being treated for cancer. Each girl is facing the possibility of losing her mom to it, especially Quinn. When Quinn discovers a list of things her mom wants to do before she dies, her brother thinks they should help her do them. Since the list was written years ago when her mom was young, Quinn is afraid that by doing these things, it is giving their mom permission to die.
Notes: Sandra Byrd does a really good job with her books, portraying a Biblical perspective on the issues of life. This is one of the books in the Friends For A Season series, a series focused on teen girls being drawn together because of something, then moving apart again, but changed because of their friendship with each other and the way they have helped one another grow closer to Christ.
Recommendation Scale: 4
Reviewer: J:-)mi
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