The Mute started digging in the sooty refuse that surrounded Truck’s old porch. It seemed as good a place as any to look for some new clue. Maybe something there would flash a hint, would give him at least part of the map he was supposed to have gotten from that inept CIA agent Samuel Hill. Maybe, if he worked hard into the night, if he never stopped believing… maybe he could still find the girl. Maybe he would even find her in time to save her.
Book:Annabel Lee by Mike Nappa, Revell, 2016
Genre: Suspense/Horror
Target Audience: Boys and Girls 18+
Subjects: Death, Divorce, Faith, Fear
Summary: Don’t start to get comfortable. As soon as you let your guard down, things happen. People die. That’s how life works. At least for Truck, the Mute, Samuel and the girl. Although, the girl doesn’t really know. She doesn’t remember. Her life is crazy strange, but consistent and relatively calm. Until the day her uncle shoves her in an underground bunker with a flesh eating dog. Samuel doesn’t know of the girl. All he knows is that some treasure of Truck’s is hidden and it’s his job to turn the map over to the Mute, who knows exactly what the treasure is. The Mute doesn’t know where the treasure is hidden, only that it’s his job to find it before it’s too late. Only Truck knows all the pieces. And he’s dead. Soon, they will all be dead as well if they can’t make it to the treasure that is Annabel Lee before Truck’s murderers do.
Spiritual Content Recommendation Scale: 3/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
Jeremiah 29:13 - You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
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