the boys keep through the branches, they see a thickset man swaggering
toward the beach. Black hair dangled below an iron helmet. He wears
baggy pants and chain mail. A sword hangs at his belt, and his right
hand clutches a spear. Bethany, draped over his shoulder, struggles and
pounds his back.
“Is that… is that a Viking?” Spencer asks.
Rachel nods grimly. “A Northlander,” she agrees.
“What incredible timing,” Spencer says in an awed voice. “Rachel, is today June 8?”
“I think so,” she snaps. “What difference – ”
“The date of the first Viking attack in Europe,” Spencer tells his friends.
Genre: Adventure
Target Audience: Boys 12-16
Subjects: Power of God, Love, Friendship
Summary: A time machine – that works! Ethan should be thrilled, but he’s not. Because of the reason he knows it worked. It caused his dad to vanish. Now it’s up to Ethan and his two friends to travel through time and find his dad. The boys prepare, the machine is set and… they vanish… and arrive in Northumbria in 793! Finding Ethan’s dad isn’t the only challenge they face. First they are mistaken for witches, then they have to fight off a crew of Vikings who have come to attack the local monastery, then they have to find a way to get back to the exact point they appeared. Oh yeah, and maybe fight off an angry mother wild boar and a pack of wolves on the way. All in only 30 minutes from the moment they arrived, or Ethan’s dad won’t be the only one stuck in time!
Spiritual Content Recommendation Scale: 5/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
Hebrews 13:8 - Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
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