“Why does there have to be war?”
leaned forward a little, resting on his staff as he too looked at t he
city. “Everyone has it inside themselves to be selfish and greedy, to
try to please themselves and want more than what Elohim has given them.
Not all give in to that, but it is what fuels those who follow Zirtan.
They are driven by a hunger for power and please for themselves.”
sighed and shook his staff as he too looked at the city. “Everyone has
it inside themselves to be selfish and greedy, to try to please
themselves and want more than what Elohim has given them. Not all give
in to that, but it is what fuels those who follow Zirtan. They are
driven by a hunger for power and please for themselves.”
sighed and shook her head. “I still don’t understand why Elohim would
allow evil like that. Why can’t He just make people good?”
He has given people the freedom of choice – to either choose Him and
what is right, or to choose to be against Him. If He controlled the way
people believe and act and love Him, would that truly be love?”
Makilien thought this over for a long moment. “No, I guess it wouldn’t be.”
“And that is exactly why, Makilien. He wants true love from His people, not forced love.”
soon, the army was less than half a mile from the city. An internal
battle had already been fought for Makilien’s soul. Now the physical
battle for the life of every person present and those they fought for
was about to be waged.
Genre: Fantasy
Target Audience: Girls 13+
Subjects: Truth,
Summary: “It’s for your own protection”. The words repeated over and over again by everyone in the village are of no comfort to Makilien. Largely because she doubts the truth of them. Who is this powerful, benevolent Zirtan that claims to be protecting the people of the village from the evil outside of it by imprisoning them in? Makilien doesn’t believe everything outside the guarded gates of the village is evil. She doesn’t believe the guards are there to protect them. And she doesn’t believe that Zirtan, if he even exists, is looking out for their best interests. When a stranger dares to enter her town she frantically demands to know the truth. What she hears isn’t enough to satisfy though. Finally she dares the unthinkable and sets off on a journey to find the truth. Life outside the walls is far from calm though. The world is in a war and she’s now caught in the middle. With truth comes decisions. Who’s side will she join? And how far will she go?
Spiritual Content Recommendation Scale: 5/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
Psalm 45:4 - In your majesty ride forth victoriously in behalf of truth, humility and righteousness; let your right hand display awesome deeds.
Thank you to the author for providing me with a free review copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion. I enjoyed it!
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