make matters worse, no one had the time or the energy or the will to
answer his questions, because everyone – from the abbot down to the
young oblate – was concerned about the golden apples. The golden apples
and the unicorns. So James was miserable. And cold. And lonely. He was
homesick. And heartsick. And hungry.
Genre: Adventure
Target Audience: Boys 11-14
Subjects: Family Relationships, Legends, Prayer, Growing up/coming of age
Summary: Only one person in his whole entire life has appreciated James’ curiosity. His questions send most people running for cover. In fact, his dad even left the home altogether, fleeing to the crusades in the Holy Land to get away from the questions. At least that’s how it seems to James. And his uncle? Well, he’s gotten so tired of the questions, he’s found a way to get rid of James! He is sending him off to the Cranford Abbey to study – a tradition in the family, but something that shouldn’t happen for at least two more years when James is at least ten! Once James realizes that the Abbey might be a place to get questions answered he sees it as a great adventure, but when he arrives, no one in the Abbey has time to pay attention to him. The entire focus of the Abbey is on trying to get rid of the unicorns that eat the apples needed to make money to pay the Abbey’s bills! They are willing to try about anything and put nearly any amount of money into trying to get rid of these pesky beasts! But there’s one thing they haven’t tried, one thing that only occurs to a young boy with lots of questions.
Spiritual Content Recommendation Scale: 3/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
Job 39:10 (KJV) - Whether thou shalt bind the unicorn with thy chain, for to ear thy land, either shall he break the clots of the valleys after thee?
Thank you to the publisher
for proving me with a free review copy in exchange for my honest opinion.
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