Patrick groaned quietly. What could be worse
than this?
“I… ah… sold a half share in the vessel a time back. Money for repairs…”
“I… ah… sold a half share in the vessel a time back. Money for repairs…”
“Oh.” Their father sighed with relief. “Is that
The Old Man shook his head but would not look
at them. He studied the darkening shape of the Lady Elisabeth, as Patrick had
done. “No, it’s not all. I agreed to deliver the boat to the new investor in
Goolwa by the end of the month or lose the other half.”
“Or what?” thundered Mc. McWaid. “You’re
telling me that you lose the entire boat if we don’t raise it up now and scoot
all the way down the river by the end of the month? That’s thirty days! It
can’t be done!” insisted Mr. McWaid, pacing back and forth in their camp. “We
could be pumping here day and night and still not… Well it’s going to take
weeks just to refloat the beast. And how are we going to patch the hole in the
Book: Race to Wallaby Bay (Adventures Down Under #5)
by Robert Elmer, Bethany House Publishers, 1998
Genre: Historical Fiction
Target Audience: Boys 12-16
Subjects: Forgiveness, Helpfulness
Summary: He runs into trouble and never mind that he abandoned
the family, he sends out the order and expects Patrick and his family to drop
what they’re doing and run to the rescue. So that’s exactly what they do.
Patrick’s Grandpa, or “The Old Man” as some call him, has a riverboat that has
slightly sunk. Their Grandpa only has thirty days to get it raised, all the
water pumped out, and the boat running again before losing it entirely. And
being named after his dead wife, The Old Man feels he can’t just leave the
boat. He has to give it his all. Patrick, his siblings, his parents and his two
friends hop on board as the crew and begin the race against time to Wallaby
Bay, encountering thieves, gamblers, and enemies in disguise, all threatening
to slow them down. The task certainly seems impossible!
Notes: Race To Wallaby Bay is the fifth in the
Adventures Down Under series. The books tell the story of Patrick, his sister
and his little brother as they face the challenges of trying to survive in Australia
shortly after it was being settled as a prison colony. The author found many of
the adventures someone living there at that time would have faced and has
Patrick, his family and his friends encounter them all throughout the course of
the series.
This book focuses on the adventures that can be found on a riverboat. The
author included elements on historical people, places and events. The note at
the end of the book gives the true facts on these. The spiritual element
Patrick wrestles with in this book is forgiveness. He doesn’t want to forgive
The Old Man for abandoning his father, for being demanding and gruff with all
of them now, for dragging them into this dangerous situation. Holding a grudge
seems like a good idea – right up until the very end when his grandfather
himself is the one to point Patrick back to God.
Spiritual Content Recommendation Scale: 3/5
Colossians 3:13 – Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
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