“I’m required to make a report of this,”
Constable Fitzgerald finally whispered. He squeezed the leather bridle between
his hands.
“Fine. You write that someone is trying to make
it look as if the McWaid family is involved in horse theft. You write that the
real – what do you call them here in Australia – the real gully-rakers
are still out there raking gullies, or stealing horses. Put that in your
report. Good day, Constable.”
With that he took Patrick’s arm and marched back to the cabin. “Why are you so mad, Pa?” squeaked Michael.
With that he took Patrick’s arm and marched back to the cabin. “Why are you so mad, Pa?” squeaked Michael.
“I don’t fancy to being accused like that.”
Their father was still red in the face as he waved a long bony finger in their
faces. “But now, you two, I’ve had quite enough of this business. After last
night, and now this escapade-”
“John, you can’t blame them,” put in Mrs.
McWaid, drying her tears. Patrick couldn’t remember seeing his father this
angry. Not for a long time.”
Book: Dingo Creek Challenge (Adventures Down Under Book 4)
by Robert Elmer, Bethany
House Publishers, 1998
Genre: Historical Fiction
Target Audience: Boys 12-16
Subjects: Justice, Loss
Summary: Horse thieves and bullies sneaking around in
the night and captives escaping in the dark bring the latest round of trouble
to the McWaid family. Patrick and Becky happen to be across the creek when the
people from town ride in to the Aborigine camp, accusing them of stealing
horses and making trouble. Late that night, a young Aborigine sneaks out to the
McWaids house, dragging their family into the middle of the situation. Soon
they are being accused of being the ones stealing the horses, Patrick and Becky
and their friends are organizing a game of cricket to help the Aborigine
children stand up to the bullies threatening them, and their life is once again
in danger.
Notes: Dingo Creek Challenge is the fourth in the
Adventures Down Under series. The books tell the story of Patrick, his sister
and his little brother as they face the challenges of trying to survive in Australia
shortly after it was being settled as a prison colony. The author found many of
the adventures someone living there at that time would have faced and has
Patrick, his family and his friends encounter them all throughout the course of
the series.
This fourth book focuses on prejudice as Patrick, Becky and the other
children have the opportunity to befriend and stand up for someone who looks
very different than them. They are determined to stand up for and reveal truth,
no matter what danger they face in doing so.
Spiritual Content Recommendation Scale: 3/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
Isaiah 1:17 – Learn
to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the
fatherless, plead the case of the widow.
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