“There was a
drive-by shooting tonight outside the skating rink. Three shots were fired.” Reverend
Lewis stopped abruptly. He could barely choke out the words. “We think the
bullets hit the concrete wall. One of them ricocheted off the wall and…” He
stopped again. He had to swallow air for a second before his voice could
continue. “One of them is currently lodged in the lower portion of TJ’s spine.”
Genre: Suspense
Target Audience: Boys 13-19
Subjects: Death, Prayer, Crime, Drugs,
Guilt, Fear
Summary: At age ten they were dubbed “The
Frontier Boys” by a local newspaper reporter who watched them try to sell the
fish they’d caught. They’ve been friends for all these years. Three of ‘em
basketball players, one the team’s biggest cheerleader. But something is about
to change. A young man in town is dissatisfied with his life and takes a step
to do something about that dissatisfaction. One wrong choice, one secret
meeting and the path is set. Less than a week later the consequences are
clearly seen as one of the Frontier Boys lies in the hospital injured and
likely dying. Chances of his survival aren’t good. And one of the Frontier Boys
feels the weight of this more deeply than the others. His feeling is guilt. And
fear. But God is bigger than guilt and fear and He’s not done with any of the
boys yet!
Spiritual Content
Recommendation Scale: 4/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
Hebrews 10:22 – Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full
assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty
conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.
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