As he drove away, he wondered how life could become any more complicated and tragic than it had that week. Tears welled up in his eyes as he thought about it.
Book: Wild Lies and Secret Truth by Matt Tullos, Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1999
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Target Audience: Boys and Girls 15-18
Subjects: Dating Relationships, Friendship, Sexual Purity, Teen Pregnancy, AIDS, Trust in God
Summary: She agreed!! After months of dreaming of Jenny, Clipper has finally asked her out and she’s agreed! He’s got all the plans figured out, all the arrangements made – and he’s a nervous wreck! But it goes so much better than he even imagined. He knows he’s in love. Yet, all of a sudden Jenny breaks it off with him. Shortly thereafter ugly rumors start flying around the school about Clipper and Jenny. He’s crushed. This girl meant the world to him, and this is what he gets for it? Autumn is as busy as usual. Her latest goal is to use Felix as a summer project: tutor him to be able to pass the GED test. But maybe everyone was right about Felix. Maybe he’s not smart enough for it. Justin and Kandi are as close as ever, but are hurting for their friends. Troy is dying, not just someday, but some day soon. AIDS is taking his life much faster than he expected. He has so many regrets, but at least he has accepted Christ and been forgiven and his future his secure. All that is happening could pull everyone closer to each other and closer to Christ, but instead, it seems to be pulling them farther apart.
Notes: These characters face some very difficult things, especially with a friend dying of AIDS and a teen girl becoming pregnant. They have to learn to rely on Christ during it or else they just sink into despair and hopelessness. Clipper especially has to learn the hard way to lean on Christ. When he first hears the rumors he turns his back on everyone. He won’t even go to the youth conference he paid good money for. He wants to go experience the other life instead. He pulls out alcohol and cigarettes and tries to throw everything he has believed in away. It takes a good friend and hearing the truth for Clipper to realize that God has His hand on this situation just as much as the rest of life and wants to use Clipper to make a difference, something he can’t do sitting at home feeling sorry for himself.
Recommendation Scale: 5/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
Proverbs 3:6 – Lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.
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