Book: Grandpa’s Stolen Treasure
by Lois Walfrid Johnson, Bethany House Publishers, 1992
Genre: Historical Fiction
Target Audience: Girls 11-14
Subjects: Faith – trusting in God rather than yourself
Summary: The greatest treasure of all is gone, stolen, right out from under grandpa’s nose. He turned his back to walk inside for a moment, came back, and it was gone! And they were so close! They’d almost made it to Kate and her family, only one train stop away. Kate and her family are waiting at the train station, but there is no sign of them. Soon they get a telegram from Grandpa asking them to come help. So Kate, Anders and Erik go to try to help Grandpa find his treasure.
Notes: This book is a lesson in trusting God. Before they leave, Mama shares a verse with the three kids: James 1:5 – If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God that giveth to all men liberally. Kate tends to trust in herself though and has to learn an important lesson about where wisdom comes from.
Recommendation Scale: 5/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
James 1:5 – But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him
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