"God, please get me out of here!"
Book: Secret Of The Burning House
by Gayle Roper, Chariot Books, 1992
Genre: Mystery
Target Audience: Girls 9-14
Subjects: Change, friendships, God's presence - never leaving you
Summary: Dee hates it! It's ugly and horrid and it is NOT home! Her family has just moved from Indiana to Pennsylvania and she is devastated.The very first night in their new home makes her focus shift a bit though! She wakes in the middle of the night to a terror - fire! The house next door is burning down. Soon Dee has a chance to help Cammi, the girl who's house burned down. Unfortunately, helping becomes dangerous and she discovers some secrets about how Cammi's house was set on fire.
Notes: Dee has to learn that the God she left in Indiana, didn't stay there. He's the God of Pennsylvania too. He has never left her and never will!
Recommendation Scale: 4
Reviewer: J:-)mi
Hebrews 13:5- Because He Himself has said, "Never will I leave you. Never will I forsake you".
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