Yeah... well... not everyone is into your brand of haute couture style. Some of us are quite happy to be comfortable and environmentally aware. Why can't On The Runway carry those types too? I just read that there's going to be an earth friendly design show during Fashion Week in New York. They seem to get the importance of it, and I, for one, plan to be there for it."
Book: Catwalk by Melody Carlson
, Zondervan Publishing, 2010
Genre: Modern Realistic Fiction
Target Audience: Girls 16-20
Subjects: Fashion, popularity, protecting the environment, sister relationships
Summary: Paige and Erin's TV Show has taken off and now they're headed to New York for Fashion Week to interview the models and designers. Erin is weighed down with the responsibility of trying to keep her sister out of trouble and trying to convince her to promote and feature eco-minded designs. Unfortunately, Paige has a tendency to get into some pretty serious trouble and Erin has to figure out how to help her. She knows Paige would benefit from going to Church with her, but Paige isn't willing.
Notes: This one was disappointing. There just wasn't much of a spiritual element. Erin promotes protecting the environment more than faith. You assume, from the fact that she goes to a Church group that she is a Christian, and her sister makes a comment about "doesn't being a Christian mean you have to forgive" but that's not a huge part of her life. Of course things like drunkeness and dating guys who are known for getting into trouble, are portrayed as wrong, but not because of faith, just because of good morals or wisdom. At the end, there is a good statement about praying for people and a note that someone has a strong solid faith. The book as a whole though, teaches a lot more about fashion than faith.
Recommendation Scale: 2/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
Proverbs 31:30 - Charm is deceitful and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
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