Don't get comfortable. It won't last. You can't trust anyone.
Book:In Between
by Jenny B Jones, NavPress, 2007
Genre: Realistic
Target Audience: Girls 15-18
Subjects: Salvation, prayer, foster parents, friendships, peer pressure
Summary: Katie knows better than to get comfortable. Foster homes are temporary. You survive for a while until they get tired of you and send you back. The problem is that this new family doesn’t seem interested in sending her back… and Katie is getting comfortable in spite of herself. When some family problems start to come to light, Katie finds herself truly wanting to help. And she wonders if there is something to their religion… the “out” crowd at school has warned her away from the Church people, but thus far they don’t seem to be correct. Katie isn’t sure which crowd to try fitting into.
Notes: A story about a teenage girl in a foster home where the foster parents are believers trying to live their faith in the midst of life’s challenges. The parents are not portrayed as perfect at all, they both have their flaws and the Christian kids at school have flaws, but the author does a good job showing that it’s not about them being perfect, it’s about Jesus being perfect and completely dependable! Katie isn’t as hardened as some foster kids and is quick to feel bad for the things she does wrong, but she is still a believable character.
This book is pretty good, it does get a little carried away with some questionable humor, but other than that I would recommend it.
Recommendation Scale: 4
Reviewer: J:-)mi
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