The Conqueror

Friday, October 23, 2020
“What are you talking about, soldier?” Aratus hissed. “You said nothing on this wide earth could ever deter you from your mission!” Rex paused, gathering his resolve. He wrenched his arm from his commanding officer’s grip. The woman’s crisis had touched something primal within the soul of every man. I am one of the most proficient warriors in this empire! I can stop this travesty if I wish. And right here… right now… for this woman… I wish. At last he looked straight at Aratus. “I just found the one thing that can,” he declared.
Book: The Conqueror, Constantine’s Empire #1, by Bryan Litfin, Revell Publishers, 2020 Genre: Historical Fiction Target Audience: Upper Teens and Adults Subjects: Rule of Constantine, Persecution, Commitment Summary: He’s a fighting machine, one of the most well-trained warriors in the world. She’s a rich, spoiled daughter of a politician… and a stubborn, headstrong Christian. Amidst the struggles for power between Constantine and Maxentius to see who will rule the entire Roman Empire, Rex and Flavia’s cross. He’s on a mission for Constantine, she’s the victim of her father’s competition under Maxentius. Only Rex can save her, but he can only do so by questioning all he has ever believed! Notes: This is the first in the Constantine’s Empire series, by historian and a former professor of theology. He pays great attention to the details of the time period and historical figures. The story of a speculator who believes himself to be unstoppable, undefeatable and a young Christian woman who has always assumed her father is powerful enough to protect her from her own rebellion intermingles with the historical events of Constantine and Maxentius’ reigns. This book is quite different from Bryan Litfin’s earlier series, but equally detailed. It is rather violent at certain points – again, very realistic. The strongest spiritual theme would be Rex’s interaction with the Gospel message. Rex is looking for a god that is powerful – a god who will help him win battles against his enemies. Flavia attempts to explain how Jesus is the only true God and the One who was strong enough to conquer death. But Rex objects to a god that tells him to love instead of fight. Flavia has to wrestle with how to view the death of enemies as well. Spiritual Content Recommendation Scale: 4/5 Reviewer: J:-)mi John 16:33 – "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."


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