Just as she raised her hand to strike the door again, she
remembered, Rick locks the walk-in as the last thing he does before he leaves.
He never, ever does anything else first.
China leaned her head against the door, her heart pounding
inside her chest.
I’m stuck. Trapped. There’s no way out.
Book: The Secret In The Kitchen by Lissa
Halls Johnson, Focus On The Family Publishers, 1994
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Target Audience: Girls
Subjects: Identity, Friendship,
Family Relationships, Revenge

Notes: The Secret In The Kitchen is the second
in the seven book China Tate series about a tenth grade girl whose parents are
missionaries in Guatemala .
She has returned to the states to spend a summer with an aunt, hoping to find a
place to fit in. She finds her place at Camp Crazy Bear and winds up staying
and working in the kitchen for the summer. The series tells of the adventures
she has in friendship and learning responsibility.
In this second book China is
settling into a routine working in the kitchen with Magda and living with
DeeDee and her family. But she has to adjust to some changes when the new
summer kitchen workers arrive and one doesn’t seem to like her very much. She
learns a lesson about appearances – what you see on the outside has no bearing
on what is on the inside. She judges both of the boys who work in the kitchen
by the outside and gets proved very wrong. The dog she and DeeDee find helps
reinforce the lesson as the dog is deaf and appears on the outside to be “not
okay”, but is of great comfort to both girls and quickly becomes very important
to them. The other approach the book takes is to simply not be too hasty in
making conclusions – there might be more going on than what you realize. When
China hears the story of one of the boys’ pasts she understands a lot better
why he does some of the things he does.
Spiritual Content Recommendation Scale: 5/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
Samuel 16:7 –
the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his
appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people
look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
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