“You think the Maker is calling you west? You really think you can turn Zanzibar or Georgiii Post into friends of the Maker? Why not continue to await people to come to you here? I can tell you that word already spreads, everywhere I go.” He paused to look over us. “You bring the people hope, just by living. Why not remain here, where you can be relatively safe?”
Kapriel gave him a tiny smile. “Because our Maker hasn’t called us to life a safe life. He’s called us to live a life of trust. If he sends us, there is a reason.”
Book: Remnants, Season of Glory by by Lisa T. Bergren, Blink, 2015
Genre: Post-Apoctalyptic, Allegory
Target Audience: Girls 15+
Subjects: Love, Relationships, Good vs. Evil, Hope, Truth
Summary: Together again the Ailith rejoice in the strength that comes from their togetherness. And they rejoice at how a hostile city humbles itself before it’s Maker. Even more cause for rejoicing comes when the elders recognize that the Maker is doing things differently than the traditions and lighten one of the burdens placed on the Ailith. The trails aren’t over, however. Right as they return home, triumphant and exultant, a newcomer to the Valley meets them. A man born to be a brother but turned traitor: Kellach. He wants them to believe he has changed, that being a part of the Ailith is his greatest desire. Adrianna knows the Maker’s call is on his life, but she and the others also know that Sethos’ call is on his life as well. Their season of glory is also one of tests and trials. Wisdom, strength and discernment are in high demand.
Notes: Season of Glory is the third in the Remnants series. This series shows a world after a great war, a world where much knowledge and products have been destroyed. A prophecy came forth that some day the Ailith would come and free the people from the evil ones who enslave the world. On the day they were born, it was felt all over and these called were hidden away and trained for seventeen years. Then on the same day, all around a call came that it was time to venture into the world and unite with the others. They come in sets of two: a “Remnant” – one who has a special talent or skill and a “Knight” who lives to protect the Remnant. All knowledge is given on a need-to-know basis, to the characters and to the reader. The spiritual element is that all the good guys in the story believe in an all-powerful Maker. He gives strength and gifts to His followers. There is no discussion of who He is – the salvation He brings, but He is worshiped and believed to be capable of providing power. There is also words that represent the Bible. Actual physical books are lost due to the war but the words of Scripture are passed down and learned by those who follow the Maker.
There is also a very strong element of who is in control of your life. Kellach and Adrianna both wrestle with control. At one point, Ronan explains the struggles as the simplest, yet most difficult thing to do – let go of your own control and allow the Maker to be in charge. Kellach is determined to do what he, himself wants, not Sethos or the Maker or anyone else.
Overall, this book did a good job portraying the idea of someone called by God to save the world and attempting to follow His leading and rely on Him for strength to do the task.
Spiritual Content Recommendation Scale: 4.5/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
Romans 12:1-2 – Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Thank you to BookLook for providing me with a free review copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
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