your lies and blasphemes end,” Kifus said. “Your death and the deaths
of your petty servants will restore order to this kingdom once and for
Genre: Allegory
Target Audience: Boys and Girls 11-19
Subjects: Salvation, Power, Trust in God
Summary: “People of Arrethrae, My Father has not forgotten you. I come to raise up an army of truth, justice and honor. An army willing to fight and die for the good of the kingdom. An army willing to serve the people. An army that must someday fight the Dark Knight and his Shadow Warriors. I come in the name of the King. I come to serve Him and you. Follow Me and learn the true ways of the Code.” How dare this man claim to be the Son of the King? How dare he challenge the noble knights, those whose ancestors were chosen by Leinad and Quinn for the sole purpose of protecting the kingdom! Yet, there is “something about that man” that draws in Cedric and Quinn and emboldens them. They may be here peasants but this man declares them knights and trains them as such! The Noble Knights have no intention of letting it go that easily though. They will stop at nothing to stop this impostor!
In this book Cedric and William represent Jesus’ disciples, untrained, uneducated, unimportant young men called by God to turn the world upside down! They travel with the character who represents Jesus, learn from Him, watch Him suffer and die and rise to life again.
Spiritual Content Recommendation Scale: 5/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
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