looked down at the river, confused as he remembered his parents’ last
goodbye. “I have to be alone again?” he asked softly.
Tug smiled and quietly said, “No, Freddie. Not this time. I came to give you a gift. This gift is my prize possession, my treasure, my friend. He will guide you on your mission, Fredrick. In the ways I have been there for you, he will be there for you; and in the ways I have comforted you, he will comfort you. He will teach you, and ultimately, he will give you power.”
Tug smiled and quietly said, “No, Freddie. Not this time. I came to give you a gift. This gift is my prize possession, my treasure, my friend. He will guide you on your mission, Fredrick. In the ways I have been there for you, he will be there for you; and in the ways I have comforted you, he will comfort you. He will teach you, and ultimately, he will give you power.”
Book: Cottonmouth and the Great Gift by C. S. Fritz, David C. Cook, 2014
Genre: Fantasy/Allegory
Target Audience: Boys 9-14
Subjects: The Holy Spirit, Missions, Temptation, Truth
Summary: Tug is back! Oh how happy and joyful Fredrick is now! But Tug isn’t staying. He’s going to prepare a place for Freddie. Fredrick is so sad, but Tug gives him a special helper who will be with him. Soon Fredrick and the helper start off on the journey to give an egg to the girl with the two different colored eyes. It will be a long, hard journey and they don’t fully know how to get there. They just trust that the river will guide them. But the journey comes with temptation. The closer they come to their goal, the more the tempter would like to see them fail.
In this second book, the character representing Jesus, sends the character representing the Holy Spirit to comfort, teach and strengthen. It also shows persevering when times get hard or tiring along the journey. And it show the importance of listening to the Holy Spirit. Fredrick makes his assignment harder by being too impatient to listen to the directions he is receiving.
Spiritual Content Recommendation Scale: 1/5 for the average audience, 5/5 for readers very familiar with the Bible
Reviewer: J:-)mi
John 14:16, 25 – And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever- But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.
Thank you to the author and publisher for providing me with a free review copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
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