Margaretha’s mind was spinning. She wasn’t sure what to
believe. She had thought him mad, until he’d told her the story about Lord
Claybrook murdering his sister’s friend because she was pregnant with
Claybrook’s child. Had his unbalanced mind invented the story? The details,
including the fact that he claimed they were both from the same part of England, made
his story seem more authentic. If his story was true, then he was indeed in
danger, and so was she, simply because he had told her. Now she understood why
he hadn’t wanted to tell her his name.
Genre: Fairy Tale
Target Audience: Girls13+
Subjects: Trust in God, Romance, Family Relationships
Summary: A flibbertigibbet and an injured English lord bent
on revenge do not necessarily make for a good combination when trying to defeat
a murderer. Still, that’s all there is to go against Lord Claybrook, and
someone has to do it! When Colin first arrives at the castle, injured and
nearly delirious, Margaretha doesn’t trust his claims about her current suitor,
but when she spies on a conversation Lord Claybrook has with one of his men,
she realizes Colin is telling the truth and determines to help him all she can.
The trouble is that Lord Claybrook is extremely suspicious and determines they
have found him out, prompting him to take immediate action against Margaretha,
her family and Colin. A valiant rescue plan ensues and they begin the long
journey to Margaretha’s relatives in hopes that they can get help to stop Lord
Claybrook from killing everyone in the castle and forcing Margaretha to marry
him. The question is what unexpected discoveries will the flibbertigibbet and
English lord make on the way?
Notes: Continuing her fairy tales centered in Hangenheim’s
royal family, Melanie Dickerson tells the story of the Princess and the Frog.
When Colin rescues a valuable item of Margaretha’s from the well, she agrees to
do as he asked – spy on Lord Claybrook, learns the truth and starts the process
of falling in love with her “frog”. The spiritual emphasis in this book is on
justice vs. revenge. Margaretha challenges Colin to leave room for God’s
justice – telling him that a desire for justice is good, but to be careful to
not let it lead you into a thirst for vengeance. There is a short discussion
about God using the weak to shame the strong and relying on Him for strength
for their journey and later Margaretha recalls a Scripture that reminds her
that God is watching out for them and turns to Him for peace, as well as
encourages Colin to turn to God for peace. The overall emphasis is on the
relationship development and how Colin and most people around her view
Margaretha’s talkativeness as a character flaw, but Colin soon sees beyond that
to the passion she has for those she cares about and the courage and
determination to do what it takes to conquer evil. Soon he finds he misses it
when she’s not chattering. Proverbs 17:28 talks about how “Even a fool is
thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue” and the
book shows how you can develop a reputation for being a fool by not being
careful with your speech, but it also shows how important it is to consider
carefully who you put your trust in – looking beyond seeming “flaws” they have
to who they really are as a person.
Spiritual Content Recommendation Scale: 4/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
Romans 12:19 – Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written:
"It is mine to avenge; I will repay,"
says the Lord.
Proverbs 3:5-6 – Trust in the LORD with all
your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge
him, and he will make your paths straight.
Thank you to the author/publisher for providing me with a free review copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.